Will a new Preamp sovle my Problem?

Dear forum,
Need Help finding a preamp Tube or Solid State
that might clear up my System sounding too "Bright".

I have a set of revel preforma 30's.
Harmonic Technologhy pro 9 external Biwire
Opera Audio Conosance ref. 2.2 cd player
Parasound Halo C-21 Amplifier 250x2 balanced and rca input.

I currently have a Krell pav 280p preamp running balanced and the detail and imagining is great but the top end is too bright.

I am using entry level harmonic technology cables truth
link balanced cables.

P.S audio power cables on all components.

After repositioning my speakers I did get more bass. I can upgrade interconnect cables later. But I need to know if I replace the preamp with a new one, will it help? I have the Krell on aproval and do not think it will work out. I had a couple of fellow audiophiles visit me and they agreed also that my current chioce of preamp might be wrong.

There are hundreds of chioces and I need some feedback from my fellow audiogoners.

Question is: What preamp would help me come closer to
my goal of decreasing the system's Brightness.

I have a trebile switch on back of speakers and have decreased to the max of 2db . Helps alittle but still too bright.

I do not mind tube rolling if need be.

My budget 1,200.00 but could go a little higher
Thanks for the response. The speakers are used and I am stuck with them. Other than moving the speakers I cannot do much of anything else because of the wife factor. I will
try the cardas cables ....I will inquire about the age of the speakers but I feel they are broken in..
so if you can sell these speakers and buy the ones that may work better fir you, your wife will not approve that purchase, even if the cost is the same?

In my experience, there is no cable that will solve this. Reduce, yes. But not by a margin that will make you happy. If speakers have this sonic quality, the only way to correct this without changing speakers is to use room treatment.

I think speakers like Sonus Faber Cremona should do the trick just fine, without anything else being done. Are they in the same $ range as your revels? Or may be lower end Sonus, or Vienna Acoustics.
If you can't do anything about the room, you are left with getting a preamp with tone controls like the NAD c162 which has solid bass btw. The Vincent preamps may be a good fit in your system and have tone controls.
Hi, I don't believe your room acoustics are the problem. You should concider purifying the electrical current with a good line conditioner. I use a Audience AR6. I suspect the brightness is primarily from your CD player. Try a Shunyata power cable with the magic Fe compound and if I am right a lot of the brightness will go away. Good luck.