Will mother move your speakers at Thanksgiving?

Three days til she gets here for Thanksgiving. Three days and one minute until the inevitable question: "Why don't you push those speakers back against the wall instead of keeping them out in the middle of the floor where I can trip over those wires?"

What's your family hi-fi disfunction?
No! Not this year,

We are staying home and kicking back for the first time in 5 years. No family visitors. Just to make it better, I took the whole week off and I am planning a trip to the music store (THE Music Millennium Portland, OR) on Tuesday. Then heading to Echo Audio for one last listen to the Dynaudio C2's I can’t afford. I am picking the menu this year as well - turkey is out prime rib and king crab are in. Ahhhhhhhh, it's good to be king. All I need to do is pick a good wine ... any advice on that?
2007 in the Southern Rhone is very strong. Some of them will be drinking now, and will tend to be of a generous style that will mate pretty well with TG menus, which often include a range of tastes. John
Might be safer to just move them back before anyone gets there. I've had many a nervous get together, last time my mother-in-law set her cup of coffe on top of my 10K speakers!