Will my amp have enough juice for the Gallo 3.1s?

I have had the Onix SP3/Ref 1 combo as my first entry level "audio lover" system and eventually sold the Ref 1s for the Strata Minis. Many people felt the SP3 wasnt going to give the Stratas the juice they needed but considering my room 10x9 (VERY small) it actually worked out well. Now, I have the itch again and want to try the Gallo 3.1s so im wondering again, whats your thoughts on a little SP3 36watt/channel tube amp running the Gallos with authority in my room?
3.1's need more than 36wpc to be driven correctly. They'll make music... but they wont do what they do best with that amp. 3.5's will, but not the 3.1's.
150WPC+ or so if you want to control those 10" bass drivers with authority. They dip down below 4 ohms.