Willl you spend over $5000.00 for speakers?

I always wondered what type of person will spend over $5000.00 for speakers. I bought a used Willson WITT 1 for $5700.00 and I am told by people that I am out of my mind. I don't care what they say. I love my WIIT 1 and soon to upgrade the speaker. Willson Audio is one manufacture who cares about your investment in a beautiful well built speaker and allows you to upgrade the speaker for a fee. Wow!! What a great sound. Kick back and drink a cold beer while I enjoy one song after another.
I own a pair of Genesis V's, which I paid $8400 for. Considering I bought them brand new, and retail was $15000, I think I got quite a deal. I don't regret at all paying this much for a pair of speakers. They are worth every cent. Brian S. << I always wondered what type of person will spend over $5000.00 for speakers. I bought a used Willson WITT 1 for $5700.00 and I am told by people that I am out of my mind. I don't care what they say. I love my WIIT 1 and soon to upgrade the speaker. Willson Audio is one manufacture who cares about your investment in a beautiful well built speaker and allows you to upgrade the speaker for a fee. Wow!! What a great sound. Kick back and drink a cold beer while I enjoy one song after another. >> 
<> In my opinion, if you want a high level of refinement AND full range sound, you MUST spend $5,000 for speakers. At least at new retail, that is the price point where the seriously nice speakers start. If you're willing to spend $5000 on the used market, then you can step up another league yet.
<< I always wondered what type of person will spend over $5000.00 for speakers. I bought a used Willson WITT 1 for $5700.00 and I am told by people that I am out of my mind. I don't care what they say. I love my WIIT 1 and soon to upgrade the speaker. Willson Audio is one manufacture who cares about your investment in a beautiful well built speaker and allows you to upgrade the speaker for a fee. Wow!! What a great sound. Kick back and drink a cold beer while I enjoy one song after another. >> I don't quite qualify for the $5,000 category as I only paid $4,000 for a pair of used Pro Ac Response 3.5's, but considering they went for $7,500 new, I'll ramble on anyway. First a little background. I've owned many different speakers, among which have been Vandersteen 2c's., Spica TC60's, Energy C2's, Signet SL260's, Snell E's, Snell C V's, Paragon Radiants, and Platinum Quattro's. I've appreciated what they each do in their own particular way (except the Quattro's, which were just too bright and sibilant for my taste - but they do have far and away the best bass of any speaker I've owned, including my present pair). I've got good-enough electronics to hear what speakers can do, too (Cal transport, Meridian dac, Audible Illusions 3A, Sunfire amp). I always assumed, however, that law of diminishing returns would dictate that the difference between, say $2,500 speakers and $7,500 speakers would be very small. WRONG!!! Flat-out, hands-down, no argument, WRONG!!! The Pro Ac's walk all over, stomp, and destroy the others, and believe me, as the reviewers say, it ain't subtle! I've had the speakers for about two months now, and they never cease to amaze me. The emotional experience of music now ranges from gut-wrenching, tear-your-heart-out, to sublime. I never quite imagined how good it could be! Worth the money? You betcha! I'd also like to mention that I've been helped enormously over the years by the really terriffic folks at Stereo Exchange in New York, including Les and Israel, but especially by Jonathan (he's a Pro Ac owner and steered me to them). These guys are incredibly knowledgable (especially Jonathan) and are the antithesis of snooty high-end salesmen. Jonathan has been trying for years to help me save money by planning significant system upgrades instead of making lots of costly small, incremental upgrades. Would I listen? Of course not! Although I had a lot of fun trying different equipment over the years, in retrospect, he was absolutely right.
<< I always wondered what type of person will spend over $5000.00 for speakers. I bought a used Willson WITT 1 for $5700.00 and I am told by people that I am out of my mind. I don't care what they say. I love my WIIT 1 and soon to upgrade the speaker. Willson Audio is one manufacture who cares about your investment in a beautiful well built speaker and allows you to upgrade the speaker for a fee. Wow!! What a great sound. Kick back and drink a cold beer while I enjoy one song after another. I have, what I consider to a modest system whose entire value is only about $7000 dollars. I've got all kinds of friends and aquaintances thinking that that's a little excessive, yet many of them are buying cars that cost 30 - 50 thousand dollars! Some of their cars will depreciate the entire value of my Hi Fi set up in just one year! And yet, no one seems to think THEY are crazy. We live in a strange world. >>