Willl you spend over $5000.00 for speakers?

I always wondered what type of person will spend over $5000.00 for speakers. I bought a used Willson WITT 1 for $5700.00 and I am told by people that I am out of my mind. I don't care what they say. I love my WIIT 1 and soon to upgrade the speaker. Willson Audio is one manufacture who cares about your investment in a beautiful well built speaker and allows you to upgrade the speaker for a fee. Wow!! What a great sound. Kick back and drink a cold beer while I enjoy one song after another.
<< I always wondered what type of person will spend over $5000.00 for speakers. I bought a used Willson WITT 1 for $5700.00 and I am told by people that I am out of my mind. I don't care what they say. I love my WIIT 1 and soon to upgrade the speaker. Willson Audio is one manufacture who cares about your investment in a beautiful well built speaker and allows you to upgrade the speaker for a fee. Wow!! What a great sound. Kick back and drink a cold beer while I enjoy one song after another. I have, what I consider to a modest system whose entire value is only about $7000 dollars. I've got all kinds of friends and aquaintances thinking that that's a little excessive, yet many of them are buying cars that cost 30 - 50 thousand dollars! Some of their cars will depreciate the entire value of my Hi Fi set up in just one year! And yet, no one seems to think THEY are crazy. We live in a strange world. >> 
I thought I was crazy when I bought my BMW 800's for $9000,,. But after owning them approximately 6 months now, they are worth every penny I spent. Now all I gotta to is save up for the Krell FPB 600 & its off to the looney bin for me---------
I bought a pair of Silver Signatures (list $8000) and later a Linn 5160 subwoofer. For years, I assumed there is a point of diminishing returns in stereo equipment--it seemed to me that as long as my ears were the weakest component in the system, it was good enough. I didn't understand about psychoacoustics then. We evaluate sound in a great many different ways, and there is a magic that happens when a system is good enough. You stop listening to a stereo system and simply listen to music. In comparison, listening to poorer systems takes effort, and is tiring, rather the way that reading for long periods on a computer monitor is tiring. The differences may be subliminal, but they are very real.