Wilson MAXX musicallity and sound

I am missing the liquid and icy sound of high end audio with the following expensive combination . How can I improve achieve that dream sound:
Wilson MAXX 1, Accuphase A50 V power amp,Air tight ATM 211 single ended mono amp, air tight ATC 2 pre and Accuphase DP80L/DC81L cd/converter with Transparent referecne speaker cable and Accuphase DG38 room correction /equalizer. It is quite an expensive system but lacks that liquid sound of high end and bass extension. Please share your opinion how to improve it.Thanks
05-15-08: Rgs92 said:
"Reading this could scare anyone away from high end audio..."

Yes indeed, as would the prospect of spending tens of thousands on speakers and having them perform marginally.

You can spend all the money you want on equipment, but if it's not set up correctly it'll likely disappoint.

Speaker position maybe your biggest problem. Can you get a Wilson dealer in to help you "voice" (position) your speakers? Additionally, maybe Lamm, VTL, ARC or CAT might get you closer to what you want than your Accuphase and Air Tight combination.
I don't agree about speaker placement and room acoustics. I had many problems with the sound and highs from my system running Krell, MF, Marantz. I tried all sorts of things with the room along with speaker placement and power conditioners. I finally bought a McIntosh MC402 and it cleared up 90% of the issues in one fell swoop. I'm not saying the McIntosh is everything - but the synergy between my DAC and speakers basically got me listening to the music again instead of analyzing the sound constantly while listening. People sometimes say it's about the relationship between the components - a hard thing for me to take since "a great piece should be a great piece" - but that's the way the ball bounced. IME.
Fpooyandeh- have you tried a source other than the Accuphase DP80L/DC81L, and as Flkin points out,do you have any vibration control under you components?

Dcstep- Read your Sumiko Master Set review, but I don't see how you can get good imaging with that huge cabinet between your speakers and a reflective table directly in front of your left speaker.
Kana813, it's about the balancing the sonic energy. Notice that there are big openings on each side and they're pretty close to the wall behind them and one wall is straight and the other juts out right behind the right speaker. All of those would be avoid be avoided in more "traditional" placement methods.

Did you read Guidocorona's more limited discussion of the Master Set in his space?
