Wilson Sasha 2 Pre owned?

I am now listening to 25 year old Proac Response 3.5 speakers with Audio Research tube electronics.  Great speakers but I'm considering an upgrade.  I really like the Wilson Sabrina but now have a chance to buy pre owned Wilson Sasha 2s in the low 20's. They are about two years old but cosmetically perfect, would include a 3 year warranty from Wilson. Also, there was some kind of resistor upgrade after these speakers were manufactured and the dealer would include the upgrade.  The boxes/crates are not included.  Looking for any advice on whether this seems like a good deal, whether the Sasha 2s would be a big step up from the Proacs and whether the used Sasha2s are a better choice than new Sabrinas (which would cost less).  Have to decide very soon because there are others interested in the Sasha's. Thanks. 
I have a pair of Wilson Duette 2's on sale on this site for $10,499 and free shipping.  You many want to take a listen to those speakers.
I would say what you did if I did not know Audiotroy's history. But it seems from your comment that you might have observed one thread where Audiotroy and I went at it. I know--it gets ugly. But check the OP's question in this thread or any other thread where you have seen these confrontations and you will see who the troll is.
 I read about a half dozen threads every few days--usually about music, general engineering questions or the 2 or 3 brands that interest me.  Wilson is one of those brands as I've had 4 pairs in my system over the years and can often answer OP questions  about the brand---usually regarding set-up (which I know well) room size, the differences between models, current needs of different models etc.
It is almost always in these threads where the OP specifically asks questions directed to Wilson owners that Audiotroy trolls and invades to suggest the OP give his wares a listen. Audiotroy's posts also usually promote himself as a dealer of integrity as opposed to other dealers out to make a buck. I personally know many of these dealers that he insults. 
I have never and will never "troll" a thread.   Audiotroy is nothing but a troll. That is why I am so hard on him. 
I don't like being a scold, but that troll brings out the worst in me. 


You really need to get some help you have been told by numerous people that you don't add anything and your combative nature is a turn off.

We on the other hand have been contacted by numerous people who are turned off by you, and find our comments helpful and informative vs the tiny number of people who like you are so rooted in their belief systems to find one of our suggestions to try x y or z offensive.

As per you and your cadre of friends, that won't work with my store, personally I say good riddance.  We can't assist people with closed minds and you have the arrogance to actually believe that you have more experience than a professional who has been doing this day in and day out for over 30 years. Please tell the community what stores you have worked in and what your day job really is.

 Our reputation is one of making great sound and extolling the virtues of many new and exciting products that often challenge the status quo we do this to save prospective clients money and give them better sound. We do field shoot outs all the time.

Last point very few people who have read any of our posts have contacted us to purchase anything as many times we are bound by territorial restrictions. 

Trolling by your definition is the worst thing in the world, most people who are actual buyers in this position are looking for guidance and most people are looking for a product that will work for them so when presented with options that they didn't know about they are happy to receive the information.

Many people purchase products not necessarily for the right reasons, and as I asked the OP if in his part of this very large country that this dealer Wilson might be his best line of reference speakers.

So you presume to know more about what everyone who posts is thinking as well as knowing more about the industry than a 30 year professional.

I wonder if I went into your office and stated that I knew more about your industry how you would feel kind of ridiculous isn't it. I don't know what you actually do for a living, but I can guarantee you don't make your living in the audio industry.

So next time instead of yelling look at the Troll why don't you inform the community with something constructive?

Back to the OP in order to guide this gentleman to purchase Wilsons or anything else, his room dimensions, placement options, and matching gear all needs to be considered, and unless he is in our part of the world we will doubtfully be benefiting in any way.

What is appalling in most of these posts is the self affirmation that people who own these products seek.

Wilson makes a great speaker, so does Magico, Rockport, Kef, B&W, Focal. It all comes down to taste and what you personally value.

You think I am a Wilson basher I am not, I have owned their speakers and sold tons of them. Their place in the market at one time was untouchable while right now there are tons of competitors that are also excellent.

If someone buys a Wilson great for them, but to think that the market is static and unchanging is ridiculous. There will always be new and exciting products coming in to a mature market to shake things up.

Dave owner

Audio Doctor NJ

Before I start, I have no affiliation with Dave, The Audio Doctor business, or anyone in this thread. But I can say I have found the great majority of posts by Dave to be helpful and I enjoy reading them. Dave is plain right, listen to as much gear as you can and also learn from others who have heard much more than you have and have worked out the synergy problems. That is a huge part of the battle and so not making mistakes mis-matching gear will go a long way toward a person putting together a really good system. Not all of us want to be on the merry-go-round.

I've been enjoying all the audio shows for the last 4-5 years and have gone to many dealer get-togethers and heard many great systems. In fact, two or three combinations that I could really live with for the long term (read - decade) and dream about way too much. But I'm glad I keep looking at more alternatives and glad I didn't already give in a make a purchase. Because last weekend I went to Excel Audio in Irvine CA and heard one of the single best systems I've ever heard. And that's saying alot (if I do say so myself) with all the systems I've heard in these different venues that are in the low-mid even high six figures and one that was probably right around a million $$. Not saying that spending more equals better but it can and often does if the dealer knows how to match gear and set it up properly.

With all due respect gpgr4blu, it would be nice if you'd stop tailing around Dave and the Audio Doctor. You've not brought anything truly helpful with your posts. It may be that some just stop reading because of the negativity and even more so, seems the OP hasn't been here lately and may have been turned away from what might have otherwise been a helpful thread for him.

Cheers @brownsf

Dear Pokey, Thanks a lot. 

That is one of the thing I preach is to work on creating synergy. 

Way too often in this community people are advised to switch x y or z when sometimes all it take is a simple cable swap, adding a power conditioner or some other accessory is all that is required to make a system work

When I do a tunning session I bring in multiple power cords, Acoutic System Resonators, Vibration control products and a couple of Audio Magic power conditioners as well as a few other products. 

You would be amazed by how much improvement you can get by adding some of these types of tunning products and sometimes repositioning a set of speakers.

Our 2016 New York Audio Show setup the Paradigm Personas where nearly tounching the side walls and by opening up the sound stage and by using the right amount of toe in the system focused beautifully and sounded amazing. 

Too many people are terrified to moving their speakers as wide apart as possible and worry about interacting with the side walls. The more pressing boundary is closer to the back wall which affects midbass coloration.

We used some Artnovium acoustic panels to damp the side walls and absorb some slap echo and boom we had some of the best sound at that show. 

So sometimes going against conventional though can actually work well. 

Pokey you should write a post extolling the great setup at that dealer I am sure he worked quite hard to find a setup that worked together well. 

If you are ever in our neck of the woods please come in for a visit.

Here is a picture of our New York Audio show setup


The moral of the story is too experiment and not just look at dogma. Most people who would have looked at this setup would have told me to move the speakers much closer together, yet we tuned the room to create one or two magic seats which is the best you could hope for in a hotel room.

I keep on waiting for the OP to chime in. I am dying to know the rest of his system. 

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ