Wilson Sasha 2 Pre owned?

I am now listening to 25 year old Proac Response 3.5 speakers with Audio Research tube electronics.  Great speakers but I'm considering an upgrade.  I really like the Wilson Sabrina but now have a chance to buy pre owned Wilson Sasha 2s in the low 20's. They are about two years old but cosmetically perfect, would include a 3 year warranty from Wilson. Also, there was some kind of resistor upgrade after these speakers were manufactured and the dealer would include the upgrade.  The boxes/crates are not included.  Looking for any advice on whether this seems like a good deal, whether the Sasha 2s would be a big step up from the Proacs and whether the used Sasha2s are a better choice than new Sabrinas (which would cost less).  Have to decide very soon because there are others interested in the Sasha's. Thanks. 

Dear Pokey, Thanks a lot. 

That is one of the thing I preach is to work on creating synergy. 

Way too often in this community people are advised to switch x y or z when sometimes all it take is a simple cable swap, adding a power conditioner or some other accessory is all that is required to make a system work

When I do a tunning session I bring in multiple power cords, Acoutic System Resonators, Vibration control products and a couple of Audio Magic power conditioners as well as a few other products. 

You would be amazed by how much improvement you can get by adding some of these types of tunning products and sometimes repositioning a set of speakers.

Our 2016 New York Audio Show setup the Paradigm Personas where nearly tounching the side walls and by opening up the sound stage and by using the right amount of toe in the system focused beautifully and sounded amazing. 

Too many people are terrified to moving their speakers as wide apart as possible and worry about interacting with the side walls. The more pressing boundary is closer to the back wall which affects midbass coloration.

We used some Artnovium acoustic panels to damp the side walls and absorb some slap echo and boom we had some of the best sound at that show. 

So sometimes going against conventional though can actually work well. 

Pokey you should write a post extolling the great setup at that dealer I am sure he worked quite hard to find a setup that worked together well. 

If you are ever in our neck of the woods please come in for a visit.

Here is a picture of our New York Audio show setup


The moral of the story is too experiment and not just look at dogma. Most people who would have looked at this setup would have told me to move the speakers much closer together, yet we tuned the room to create one or two magic seats which is the best you could hope for in a hotel room.

I keep on waiting for the OP to chime in. I am dying to know the rest of his system. 

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ

OK So no one wants to look at Troy's history of trolling and outrageous self promotion.

Quote from Troy above after my criticism:
     "Our reputation is one of making great sound and extolling the virtues of many new and exciting products that often challenge the status quo and we do this to prospective to save prospective clients money..."

Reputation? According to who Troy?
You must be a true gem. Except every dealer I know would say the same thing about themselves if they were as self promoting as you.
FYI you have the opposite reputation according to me and many in my listening group of over a dozen veteran audiophiles who have known you on the NY audio scene for decades including when you worked at Sound By Singer.  
Is no one else tired of you?
 Well no one on this thread. But the OP is long gone and apparently did not care about Troy's boisterous and verbose attempts to derail the thread. But there are others on other threads who did support my attempts to keep Troy from invading that thread.

As for Brownsf, you obviously have not checked my history with Troy. I don't blame you. Who has the time to care about or make judgments about my attacks on him when he invades threads under the guise of helping the OP only to sell his wares and promote himself? If you did look at our history, you would never say that I have "tailed" Troy. I don't waste my time reading anything he says unless I am in a Wilson thread where he provides backhanded praise to Wilson speakers and then tries to recommend his products as better. Then--after he is done trolling that thread--I call him out. 
I'm sure Troy does this trolling on many other threads which I do not read, but I have better things to do than look for what he says elsewhere. He is tiring enough on the Wilson threads I am on when he invades them.

BTW, it's not about Wilson or that I am upset about criticism of Wilson. I have owned and will own other speakers ---and Wilson are no more "the best" than any number of other top brands. Also, I am not against anyone coming into a thread to extol another product. It happens all the time. It is Troy's constant trolling of Wilson threads and his self professed neutrality that I abhor. And I want other members of Audiogon to place his constant invasions in context. He is not the neutral voice he claims to be. He is a slick, tiring, verbose salesman. I am now done with posting on this thread as it has long ago ceased to exist for any purpose other than to complete our little tiff. As I have said a few times before Troy, If you don't invade--you will never hear from me again. But you cannot help yourself so here we are again. I'm sure I'll meet you trolling the next Wilson thread when a new OP has a question about which Wilson to purchase.
Of course Grpr4blu you don't have an axe do grind you say you have owned and will continue to own Wilsons and have owned four pairs. 

Yet when someone challenges your beloved Wilson you get all pissy.

As per making great sound read reviews of our rooms in Stereophile or the Absolute Sound and read the customer comments about people who have been to my shop. 

As per your cadre of Audiophile buddies if they are like you I would hardly want to work with them either, Forrest Gump said it well Stupid is as Stupid does, I am sure you and your buddies have way over spent on overpriced gear or made systems that you in your little group would say are terrific but without an experienced and neutral set of ears, you really don't know. Do you think one of your buddies is going to tell you your system sucks if it acutally does?

By the way I don't troll Wilson threads more than offer a voice to question the brands hegemony. Here is a simple fact Wilson makes very good speakers however, In my opinion, they are a bit overpriced for what you actually get especially compared to many of their competitors and that should be the root of this or any conversation about any product. Does it perform is it a good value? 

A pair of Legacy Aeris cost $8k less, has way deeper bass and includes state of the art room correction, and self amplified bass, biggest problem it is a much larger speaker but boy do you get a lot of value for your money.

A pair of Persona 9H has deeper bass, with active room correction and is $22k less expensive than an pair of Alexias and this speaker uses state of the art drivers and will work in nearly any sized room.

A pair of Rockport Atrias, has a more advanced cabinet, uses a Beryilium tweeter and a graphite midrange driver and is priced similarly with an amazing build quality. 

Magico gives you a proprietary diamond coated tweeter and a graphene based midrange for the same money also in a very intert cabinetl

If you notice almost all of these companies are producing a state of the loudspeakers which use all proprietary drivers. Wilson's midrange driver is a $70 Scanspeak Reed cone modified maybe but hardly state of the art in technology. Wilson does put a lot of money in their cabinets and finish. 

Do Wilson's sound good yes they do, however, if you really understand loudspeaker design, you can find other speakers which will match them or offer a lot of similar sound,  sometimes for a lot less money. 

If you like the Wilson house  sound listen to an ATC smooth, dynamic, tight bass, yet a pair of ATC SCM 40 sell for $7k not $16k and they sound a lot like the Sabrina.

As per other dealers self promotion, a very famous NY audio dealer once had an automatronic version of himself maning one of his rooms. That same dealer ran an ad stating "he is the indespensible component." 

I don't know about you but I don't know any store owner who is that high on himself. I think you need gear to play on, are you buying gear or the store owner? A  good store owner will assist you in your journey and offer suggestions to help you with that journey, if you remember the Bel Canto story of our previous encouters that famous store owner refused to listen to the less expensive player which challenged the big DCS stack yet cost 1/4 the price.

As per integrity how many dealers encourage people to consider less expensive products rather than more expensive ones?

As per one of your other quotes   about me " he'll talk your ear off with his biased self-promoting opinions which somehow always lead to a suggestion to purchase the products he sells."

What kind of idiot are you, all store owner, dealers, salespeople are going to talk about and extoll the products they sell over many others, why because they believe those products to be better than their competitors. Ask an Apple Fan or an Android fan and they will rattle off the reasons why they love one platform vs anoher.  
 For the record I have talked at length in these forums and to clients on products I don't sell if I think the products are good, I don;'t sell Rockport, yet I am a huge fan. 

As per being verbose, you write more than I do. 

Lets see how the community at large thinks of you and your idiocy. 

I have always been an advocate for people to listen to many different choices. If I have offended any Wilson owners that is not my intention I wanted to draw a point about pricing and what you are getting and to question the company's ever increasing upward spiral of pricing. 

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ
Any post that is not specifically answering the posted question is spam, and unwanted. As such, half of this thread would not be missed if it were deleted. Are there moderators here that can remove these types of posts? 
I would do the Sasha 2, I love my Sophia 1, and Sashas have a special place in my heart, its its on my upgrade path.