Wilson Sasha vs. older Watt Puppies

Years ago I owned Watt Puppy 6s, and I sold them mainly because of some etch in the vocals that I just couldn't live with (and a bit of stridency in strings). But aside from that, I really loved them, especially the 3d staging and layering and a wonderful clear natural unforced bass, and they were not bright (or boomy).

Have the vocals and strings improved on the Sashas? Are the good qualities still there? Thanks.

(I quickly heard the Sashas at the NY show, and felt the stridency/etch issues were solved, but it was a short listen, and it wasn't enough for a thorough evaluation.)
Rgs92, while your question has likely been asked before, it is ok to ask again.

I had wp 6's, went to 8's, then maxx 3's...the 8's go a long way, the sasha's nearly are perfect in comparison. You wont be disappointed, trust what you have heard so far with your ears...
The Sasha has a much more natural presentation than the 6s which were clinical by comparison. The etch is gone unless your source transmits it.