With 15W tube amp, which speakers to use?

Hi, I have a 15W 300B tube amp, however, I have problem to pick a speaker. Would you guys name few speakers with can be used with a 15W amp?

any proac, b&w, jmlab or harbeth speakers model can be use?
DCM TFE-200. I heard these demo'd at HE2007 in NYC, run off the Jolida integrated with 15 watts/channel. Truely impressive, and this was a larger meeting room, not one of the tiny guest rooms. The sound was smooth, dynamic, extended, with a very large soundstage. They're cheap, too. www.dcmspeakers.com
Any high(sh) efficiency single driver speaker like Cardersound Madisons.

I use Madisons on a 12wpc SE amp and can drive them to very high volume levels without a hint of distress to my amp.

Duke's Audiokinesis Jazz Modules should work well with your amp -- 92 db and 12 ohm impedance, price new is just within your range -- there is a sale through AudioCircle. I just got a pair this week, and I am a happy camper! The dynamics are amazing. Too bad I have to go out of town for a week.