Worth it to buy cheap, but no audition integrated

Hi all, I have a pathetic system but I have begun upgrading. I just bought a pair of Axiom M22Ti's that are awesome, and next on the list is an integrated amp. I'm looking in the 550$ range and want your opinion. Is it worth it to buy used but higher quality material, then to actually go audition new products?
The reason I ask is that there are many amps that I have found to like online, but only from reviews, etc... Specifically there are some great deals on the roksan Kandy integrated that I'm seriously considering. Anyone heard this integrated run?

I also need a CD player, but am not sure how much to spend in that area, would 300-400 be enough?
Onix A60 is $399 at av123.com.
Here is a review:
Should be livlier than NAD.
mrhdream, I am not kidding the thing that your JVC mini system does right is play music, even if badly; too many audio geeks, myself included, lose sight of that. I have listened to all of the CD players you are considering, if only casually, and ended up buying the Planet for my bedroom system. Many components wear on you over time but I couldn't be more happy with the little Rega. Don't count out a used tube preamp just because it might come with bad tubes. Most models use two to six either 6DJ8/6922 or 12AX7 which should cost less than $60.00 for a full basic retube.
Thanks Veridian.

you know, you are right. It is true that many of us lose sight of what really counts. I spend hours each day listening to music, it's just so peaceful. But there comes a time when we must all rise up against bad sound and take up arms! For we must save ourselves and usher forth an age of audio filled bliss!

just joking, keep the cd player suggestions coming, I'm leaning towards an old rega planet, but it just looks so damn ugly (my opinion of course).
I'm still not convince I'm ready to take up a tube amp. I read a post about tubes blowing, etc... It would seem to add a greater cost in the long term.
I just realized last night that the Sony DVD player I recommended above needs to be connected to a TV in order to easily use its track programming capabilities, if that sort of feature is impt. I have tried the older Rega Planet you are leaning toward and I think the Sony sounds better. YMMV.