Would love to hear from anyone that has tried mating Pass Labs Amps with Simaudio Preamps

Would love to hear from anyone that has tried mating Pass Labs Amps with Simaudio Preamps.

Appreciate any feedback.

Both have some warmth to them. The Pass more so but I like the idea of the Simaudio being a vibrant, transparent, dynamic pre with some warmth. My Magico speakers like a bit of SS warmth. 

Associated Equipment:

Source: Bricasti Design M1 Special Edition DAC; w/Built-In Ethernet Network Player, :
Preamp: Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Reference Preamplifer,
Power Amplifiers: Pass Laboratories X350.5 Stereo Amplifier
Loudspeakers: Magico S5 Loudspeakers MCast Bronze,
Cables: Kubala-Sosna Research Emotion Loom

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
I have not tried your suggested preamp - amp combination, but I have tried Synergistic Research Blue fuses in my three Pass Lab amps and each one sounded significantly better with the upgraded fuse.
David Pritchard
I run a Simaudio 740P with Pass X250.8 and am very happy with the combo.   I used this pair with Magico S1s for about 3 years.   I tried the Pass XP-10 preamp and Hegel P20 before getting the 740P.   I was blown away when I tried the 740P.   It is not cheap, but to me was certainly worth the price in relative terms; the soundstage and realism just exploded when I added it to my system.   I've since sold the Magicos but still have Simaudio/Pass pair.
I think I remember reading somewhere about your combo which was helpful so thanks for the feedback.

The P8 and 740P are probably quite similar and I know the 250.5 and 350.5 are identical other than the extra power. 

I love my Pass amp but I keep reading how much Simaudio is one of those brands that really shines with matching pre/amp to one another. I know Pass amps match so well with many preamps.

The reason for my post is been kicking around the idea of trying the Moon 400 monos. Again, I love my Pass amp but wondering if the Sim combo might be a bit more transparent and benefit with a Sim-Sim combo.

The problem with this is that the Pass Labs X350.5 is so very good its hard to think there is something better but we all know how that goes.

Would love to hear from as many folks as possible and thanks for your input for sure...  
I went for it and bought the Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Preamp and I am very impressed.

I was sort of worried as I sold my Mark Levinson No.326s and realized after removing it that my system was better without it.

Not a knock on the No.326s really and more of a compliment to my Bricasti M1SE's volume control.

That said I had not needed to worry about the Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Preamp as it is a great addition. Best preamp I have ever owned and I've had a fair share of them. I am very impressed with Simaudio. It is so quiet and so vivid and so tight yet it has some sheen and warmth to is. Very nice add. I bought a Kubala-Sosna Emotion Power Cable for it which I should have soon that I am hoping is a nice match. Thanks for the feedback from those that shared.