Would you pay to listen?

Just curious, would you pay to listen to a
$100k system? Say a one hour session for twenty bucks?

Assuming the room is great and you have vinyl and cd and your choice of solid state or tubes. Also assuming you'd have the best matched system that $100k could buy.

How much would you pay to hear a $200k system? No pressure or expectation to buy anything, just plunk down your twenty and enjoy the music. BYO drinks of course.

I'm sure I'd pay if there were such a place.
lol...I'm glad my poking fun at the eccentricities of the audiophile community wasn't taken as insulting. If you can't laugh at yourself...you are taking life too seriously. :-)

I absolutely love music in all it's forms, and am always up for a new experience that will enrich my life. Paid or free. I'm grateful that high-end dealers take the time to let me listen to the amazing systems out there, but would gladly pay a fee to enjoy time with one, just like I do when I go to an IMAX.

Anyways, have a great turkey day folks.
The High End never had a clue how to market themselves to the Great Unwashed. The demise of so many "Audio Salons" proves that point and it's sad...instead of helping people see the virtue of beautiful music as self evident, they cater to the .1 of 1% of us who are compulsive hobbyists and sniff at the unsophisticated potential customer as unworthy af attention. People with no interest in audio gear per se hear my system and say, "wow...that sounds AMAZING" and I point out that it all cost me less than a decent swiss watch. Why don't the gear manufacturers buy adds in the NY Times? Because people are too stupid to get it?...although people buy a Mercedes or BMW and THAT marketing seems to make sense somehow.
I am a little late chiming in on this thread since a friend just told me about it yesterday. He felt I should jump on in since one of the systems highlighted in one of the posts as an example is mine.

I do have mixed feelings about this. Part of me feels that the only person that should pay to listen to a particular system is the owner that did so after painstakingly putting it together. We have all already payed prices just to listen to our own systems and in my book, that is enough.

Personally, I welcome anyone to come over and listen, because a big part of this hobby to me is the sharing and the community. I want to be able to share what I have learned so far and continue to learn from others. I would have stagnated out several times over had it not been for listening to other systems and to the suggestions from visitors to my room. There always seems to be a new adventure (an improvement) just around the corner.

I think I would question someones motives for wanting to charge somebody to listen to their system. It just seems so against my own involvement in this hobby. But, I suppose there are a few legit reasons for asking for money. The bottom line is that if I really wanted to listen to something, say far from home, and that was the only way it was going to happen, then yes I might do it.
YES! One condition. I get to assembly the system. I would be a repeat customer for $20.00.
I used to do that when I attended the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. I paid to hear a number of different systems. Now I volunteer and attend for "free", except for the time I donate.

If a friend invited me to hear a fabulous system in their home, then I'd probably bring a bottle of wine or scotch.