Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?

My curiosity has been piqued by this tube preamp, designed with an original circuit layout. Does anyone have any opinions?
Know nothing of the circuit sorry, but Roger has an exceedingly keen ear for great tone... all his products make music.

The Ruby pre's most obvious trait is its explosive dynamics. Far more powerful than my Supratek Cabernet Dual with separate tube-regulated power supply, which is no slouch. Odd that, given the Ruby's lack of separate PS...

The tone is extremely detailed and transparent, bass is well resolved, treble is airy and silky. If I could detract at all, it might be that the tone errs slightly to the warm (musical) side of neutral, which I prefer anyway.
I have rogers ruby 211 mono blocks with 1942 rca radiotron tubes , coupled with his STD preamp , very quiet , liquid , very very transparent , the preamp is a steal at that price , I had the hovland 200 4 years ago , the ruby preamp in a league of it's own , no comparison , I heard the veloce preamp , I thing the ruby has more detail and more natural sounding ,
Has anyone compared the Ruby STD with the discontinued Wyetech Opal pre? I still own mine (with upgraded Solen Teflon caps) and I would sooner have my right arm pulled from its socket than give it up, unless the Ruby STD was notably superior.

Pavpet, can you describe in a bit more detail the difference btwn the Hovland HP200 and Ruby Std?
Neal the opal is an outstanding preamp, but the ruby STD is so good in dynamics , transparency , and so very very musical I sold my mbl 6010 and bought the ruby from Roger , it's so far ahead of the rest of the PAC it's scary