Yamaha or Denon ?

What do audiphile think about the difference in sound quality between the 2 comopanies, in their upscale surround receivers?

HOWEVER, in all fairness, in the right application, it has been my experience that the entry level Yamaha's make simply excellent preamp/processors, as stand-alone units, while you drive the pre-out's with outboard amplifiers! The sound here has most favorably been very clear, extended, detailed, sound, matched with much stronger dynamics and bass impact and balance, etc, when configured as such! (on their own, however, most budget receivers are confined to driving small monitors as "small", with limited dynamic power output, otherwise.
I have set up several systems using Yamaha's $500-$1000 AV receivers, using them as strictly processor/preamps in HT/music systems, mated with 5 channel amplifiers, to GREAT EFFECT, over the years! Very nice sound, I would say for what it is.

This is exactly how I have my HT setup and it sounds absolutely fantastic.

Yamaha has been, and still is, a leader in surround HT soundfield. They have been able to create a realistic/consistent L-R/Front-Back effect as the object moves across the screen. My preferred setting is the enhanced Dolby Surround with the 2 front effect speakers completing the picture.

Even used as a preamp connected to a 2ch poweramp using the "Straight/Direct" out(no processor), it sounds pretty decent as a preamp.
I am no expert but I have had both and like the first reply, the Denon has worked out better for me. Oddly enough, I am currently, in my personal circle, surrounded by Denon as two close friends have the 5308 and the 3808, my sister has has a 2808 for a 18+ months now and I am running a Denon 4308 to my main amp. Three out of the four of us have had Yamaha before. If you can find a shop with both, take some of your fav CD's and give em a go!

Good luck,

Blu :-)
I currently own both. No question in my mind the Denon has better audio reproduction. I've always found the Yamaha sound to be veiled and overly warm. In my experience, Denon has a more open sound, better clarity and precise bass reproduction.