You know you're an audiophile if--

You just got a pair of speakers you can barely move yourself (inverse proportionality with age probably too)

The first house you bought cost less than your current stereo investment (ditto)

You have boxes of cables with which you don't know what to do
When you have 2 sets of amps. One for winter time listening (tubes). One for Summertime (solid state).

When you think $1k - $2k is a pretty reasonable price for used 1M cables that have gotten good press.

When you have multiple copies of the same album/CD for any variety of reasons.

When you have so many albums, that you have bought albums at the store that you already have because you forgot you had it.

When your primary guidelines for buying a house is how good the listening room is.

When you cannot possibly calculate how much you have spent on audio in your lifetime. You also have forgotten how many amps, pre-amps, digital, and cables you have owned in your lifetime. The all sort of blur after a bit. You can remember most of them... But it would take more effort than you can justify to list them all out.

When you have spent over $100 on a single piece of vinyl.

When you decide to lie to your significant other about the price of everything you buy for your system. You divide the number by at least 2 to 3.

You have paid over $30 (each) for aftermarket fuses for audio gear.

You have more equity in your audio system than anything else you own (including your house).

At you thought AA was Audiophile's Anonymous, and you considered going for a split second. Then you come to your senses and realize you probably would not fit in there.

My present house cost less than my main system. And then there is the bedroom system, and closets full of gear, wires, parts, etc. And then, oh yeah, add my two cars to the cost of the house, main system still rules. I guess I could go on and on.....
Mitch has it right, what the hell am I doing here on a Friday night.

You have to upgrade every last part in your equipment, stock is no good. And then that isn't even enough, you have to upgrade the upgraded part.
You name your two sons Martin and Logan and your two daugthers Sophia and Svetlana.