Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?

Pretty sure a number of members have some equipment they have owned forever or intend to where feasible.
Curious as to what, how long so far and why?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
My preamp - Spacial Coherence TVA1. There were only 400 of them made, all hand built. They're worth more now than when they were new. Ultra sweet sound. I'm thinking of having it put in my casket.  <g>
Nak CR-7a (couldn't afford Dragon) remains in main system since purchased new in early 90's

Perreaux 3150, been a back up recently put back into service as I need to get ML 333 in for service, early 90's

Bedini 100/100 bought used when I picked up first pair of used shahinian obelisk-mis 90's
AR-3a Speakers bought in 1971. Have had the surrounds replaced several times, but they still are amazing, albeit power hungry, speakers.
Thorens TD-320 turntable bought in 1986. It is my mono rig now, and still plays flawlessly.
Threshold SA4e amp bought in 1994 to replace the Nakamichi PA-7, which used the same general circuit, but was not class A. There is NO substitute for class A!