Your top 3 comedians

Who are your favorite comedians?


Jonathan Winters
Bill Hicks
Richard Jeni

*I consider Richard Pryor to be more than a comedian, and playing on a whole other level than anyone else. A list of one, shall we say.
I'm going to stay away from the classics, as most kind of go without saying, and are probably nothing new to anyone (I like'em as much as anyone else - how could you not). I'd rather list some more contemporaries who consistently impress me when I can catch my breath from laughing so hard.

Mitch Hedberg (RIP)
Lewis Black
Stephen Wright (OK, he's timeless, classic in his right... so I'll add one more)
Amy Sedaris (doesn't do standup, but love her humor)

John Belushi
Phil Hartman
Jack Black

These guys aren't really stand up comedians... just guys who make me laugh every time I see them. I would have to put Richard Prior and Johnny Carson on the list of most beloved.
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