Zu Druids - Two years after

Well 2-3 years after all the hype about these speakers have you kept them in your system or have you moved on. In hindsight were they speakers to keep for the long term or just another audio flash in the pan? What has been your experience with them over the long term and other speakers you have had or heard?
I actually enjoy the discussion and differing opinions as a long as it doesn't head into the personal.

There is just something about the Druids that sound so easy and right for me. My first good speakers were late 70's maggies and I am getting some of that feel I first had. I have a couple of other quality speakers around that I really like and that certainly do detail and audio better than the druids but especially with the 300b the sound is so dynamic, reach and touch me, so smooth, and clear. Exactly what I think my source should sound like (an Audio Note 2.1 dac and Accustic Arts transport).

My initial response was the mids are really good, the top end was closed in, and where is the bass (this compared to my other speakers). With about 50 hours on them and still no libtecs yet the highs have opened up and I can see potential at the bottom end (my new 300b amp and tubes have only 20 hours on them so have a long ways to go).

Thanks for all the good discussion - very enjoyable to read.

mine are two years old and from a 300b to a dna 500 i sill like 'em.but could use some help on the bottom. my room is 12x12 and filled with racks of records and cds so maybe its 9.5 x 10. any advise on a sub?
Not sure.. I would assume even their mini method which is dual 10" opposed to Dual 12" in the Method could work perfectly well also which is why they developed it. Call Zu they will give you the bottom line. I don't believe you would have to run Stereo subs for an improvement.. One would probably be enough with the 2 Drivers they use in one enclosure.