Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?


Showing 25 responses by sebrof

Well I had 1.6s years ago, same room but completely different gear. For me it was the fact that in my small room 12' x 13' x 9' the Lores are a better fit. And I did the whole flea power amp thing, once I did that there was no going back...for now anyway.
I don't really remember the Maggies that well, but I did have a sub with them, and I don't need a sub at all with the Lores, no way no how.
If I had 1.6s now I would consider the Lores a sideways move maybe, certainly not a downgrade.
The Oriel appears to be in the Lore cabinet but with different 10" drivers and different tweeters. Looks like the drivers in the $2500 Pendragon but I don't know for sure.
I own Lores and am tempted just to see how the new ones sound. To be honest it's almost like a sale on Lores
Gooddomino - I raise the front of the speaker slightly by screwing the front spikes out. I screw a thin nut to the threads all the way, then screw the spike into the speaker (fronts 2 spikes).
I don't listen while standing pretty much ever.
What did you do with any other speaker you've had?
Good points made above regarding matching speakers to the room. I had an epiphany of sorts last year when I dropped the small Katz Meows in my 12' x 13' room. I had been fighting trying to get good sound in here for several years with Maggie's, Martin Logan's and Klipschorns, all good speakers but never sounded right. The Katz with the 8" main really opened my eyes because as soon as they started to play I realized my main problem was speakers that were too big for the room. I've since had Zu Omens and now Lores and I fight no more.
Fusion - I have Lores in a 12 x 13' room and they do not overload. I also have a pair of Tekton Katz Meow (8" main driver)and they play great in here, too. I don't think you'll have any problems with the M-Lores being too big. FWIW - I've had Maggies, Logans, and KHorns in here. They were all too big, although I didn't realize it until I started playing smaller speakers.

I don't know about the M-Lore, but the Lore has a crossover. I thought it was just a cap before the tweeter until yesterday when I looked inside. A couple of coils, a few resistors and a few caps looks like a crossover to me. I don't know the crossover points.

I've had a 2A3 SET amp that I built in my rig for the past couple of years or so and loved it. The other day I got a Manley Stingray for just under your budget and like it a lot with the Lores. It's got the detail of the SET but with balls. I like it a lot better (for now, anyway). The Stingray uses Parallel Push Pull EL84s. I can recommend the Manley, but there are many choices for $1500.
Singleguy - I agree with Morganc. In my smaller (12' x 13') room I need to be very careful with placement of both Omen and Lore to avoid too much bass. I think you would be surprised at the 10" driver they both use. Big enough for a big sound, but still provides a lot of what a single driver speaker delivers. I don't find the Lores thin at all (nor the Omens which I no longer own).
Great blog Socrates. I was there the other day and really enjoyed looking around.
I noticed your pic on the Asylum looked like a Tri Corp. amp, maybe EL 34s? I have Lores and was pleasantly surprised when I went from a 4-watt SET to a 20/40 watt EL84 PP amp. My guess is you experienced similar when you upped the amp with the Pendragons.
Thanks for posting and for the blog.
Just an FYI to those with Lores:
I modified mine by lining ther upper cabinet with Dynamat Extreme, and in my system I am very pleased with the improvement. They sound more solid.
I used the stuff they sell at Best Buy @ $90, enough to do 2 car doors is about the perfect amount for a pair of Lores. There are other sources that cost less, but I'm either lazy or rich (I'll let you guess which) so I just went to BB. It took about 30 min per speaker. Soldering iron (need to unhook the 10" driver), scissors, phillips screwdriver, and a wallpaper roller is all you need.
If you want pics or have questions, send me a PM.
Sabocat - I have a 2A3 SET and also recently a Manley Stingray. The Stingray uses 8 EL84 tubes for outputs. The Lores sound great on the SET but even better with the Stingray. I'm in a 12'x13' room, so the SET can play loud enough. The PPP adds a lot more weight and thump.
I doubt you'll feel you have a mismatch with your EL34 amp.
Wow, I was just here yesterday and there has been a lot posted since.
I agree these are excellent speakers, especially for the money.
Tilt - I put a thin nut on the front spikes so that the spikes could not be screwed in all the way. The back spikes are screwed in all the way, which results in the speakers tilted back slightly. I don't think I need to tilt back a lot because I'm about 8' from the speakers.
Goraman - Is there a link to the spikes you could post?

Dynamat - I posted about what I did with Dynamat Extreme in this thread on 1-10-12. It helps.

Manley Stingray - Goraman, I have a Stingray also, just purchased before Christmas. For those of you with SET amps and Lores or Omens I suggest you at least give a PP amp a whirl, you may like it. For me the SET does some things only SET amps can do, but the Stingray takes my system to another level. I built my SET, my sweat and tears are in there so I want to like it best. But...

Sibilance - I don't experience it with my Lores.
02-08-12: Goraman
If you don't need alot of bass?
The Lores do bass pretty well in my condo.
Just ask the neighbors!!!"

I have almost too much bass in my 12' x 13' room with Lores.
02-07-12: Sionlim
I was looking into the Pendragons as a speaker for my home office/ den."
"After reading all these glorious post of a $700 speaker, i am really intrigued at this particular brand."

Sion - Not sure I follow. The Pendragons are $2,500, the Lores $1,000. What $700 speaker are you referring to?
Genjamon - I have the Lores and also a pair of the Katz Meow (Version 1) with the 8" Fostex main driver. I understand exactly what you are saying when you compare the Lore vs. Lore-S.
With my 2A3 SET amp I sometimes like the Lore, sometimes like the Katz. But with a PushPull EL84 amp I like the Lores better than the Katz. I believe it's because the SET allows the Katz to present that holographic image, which the Katz do better than the Lores. But the PP amp has more balls, which the Lores do better so it's a better match.
I would enjoy any of the combos though. Both great speakers (and great amps, IMO).
02-12-12: Yoseana
Does anybody in the Dallas-Fort Worth area own the Tekton Lore or any other of the Tekton speakers being discussed in this thread?"

North of Austin, I have Lores and Katz Meow V1
02-10-12: Rischa
"I'm hoping the tube preamp, SS amp, and lore combination has good synergy."

I have a few tube amps (2A3 SET, PP EL84, SE EL34...) and the Lores sound good on all of them. I even have a vintage SS Yamaha receiver (R-2000) and the Lores sound good with that as well. I believe it's because the Lores are such an easy load that the amps loaf along and play their best.
03-01-12: Obrown
"Hard to take a company serious that lists a speaker's price without grilles."

Hmmm, not sure what that means??
I see you are looking for Zu speakers. As someone who has owned both I suggest you take Tekton seriously.
03-25-12: Rolandbutcher
Just saw that Steve Lefkowicz has a review of the Tekton Lores on Positive Feedback Online."

I think he liked them ;)
03-30-12: Floosh
"My Lore's arrived 2 days ago. Very pleased.
...and the fact that you can drive them w/ pretty much anything is such a bonus."

Good to hear you like the Lores, Floosh.
Excellent point about the Hi Eff speakers. Lots of ways to make good music in your room, but speakers like the Lores allow you so much more flexibility when it comes to amps. It's a system, and that flexibility pays off.
Doglog - I owned Omens and Lores at the same yime so I know how they compare, looking forward to your impressions Omen vs. M-Lore.
Keep us posted
09-21-12: Jkontuly
I have heard the Lore-S and I liked them a lot but thought they might be a little too smooth for rock. I have had it suggested to me that I might prefer the std lore. However, the subject is Omen vs Lore which leads me to believe that they sound similar to the Omen and no offense to the many people who love zu but I just found the sound too different to what I am used to.
I had Omens and Lores at the same time and compared in a couple of different systems and rooms with 2 friends. Go back to May 2011 in this thread if you're interested.
01-09-13: Andysf
GLEN BECK? I was seriously interested in these speakers but hearing that the company owner is a fan boy of Glen Beck who sent him a pair as a gift kind of puts me off buying them.
I never begrudge anyone their beliefs. I do not smile when I think of a world where everyone thinks like I do.
01-15-13: Ecruz
Has anyone compared the Lore to the Pendragon?

User Gpowered owned Lores and then Pendragons. See his posts in the July 2011 timeframe in this thread.

He also did a review of the Pendragons but I didn't see him mention the Lores (didn't read the whole thing)
01-21-13: Finsup
I stepped away from this thread for a month after making my post about Glenn Beck talking about Tekton only to come back to read some really amazing comments. Amazing in that I only mention about Glenn talking about Tekton, nothing else in my post, certainly nothing political, and then a firestorm of negative comments from some people.
It wasn't your post, it was a few down from yours.
But you posting and bringing it up will surely reignite the fires.

Boy those Omens and Lores are great speakers, no?!?
01-28-14: Ictwoody
Could you go into some more detail about your Lore's mods? I own Lores, but I've never opened them up... I just assumed it is a single cap before the tweeter.
- Woody
Woody, the caps in your Lores are Dayton. I believe Eric used Dayton on the earlier Lores and then switched to less expensive caps later (not that Dayton are super expensive). I've got a good pic of the XO from when I did the Dynamat mod on yours, PM me at that other site if you want me to send it to you. Assuming you're the same Ictwoody I sold mine to ;)