Zyx R1000 Airy3 vs Universe

Has anyone heard a head-to-head comparison? What are the differences?
Hey Frank,I'm bummed out.My trip to Fla.,to visit with Cello,and compare your arm with the 2.2 will have to wait until Thanks Giving.I had to cancel my flight,due to hurricane "Katrina".I DID but the two new tennis rackets though.Got a discount on them.Great rackethead speed.Hope you don't mind the break in price GMORRIS(just kidding)!

BTW--Cello seems to be an incredibley nice human being.WAY nicer than me.Maybe you can do him a favor,and have the arm to him before Thanks Giving.I'd love that one!!

Best regards to all!!
Hi sirspeedy,
Cello is indeed one of the kindest and generous people I ever had the pleasure meeting. I`ll see what can be done to enhance your Thanksgiving visit...
Sorry you had to cancel your trip, but much better to remain grounded than falling victim to nature's wrath.
You ought to come to Denver for the RMAF, I'm certain you'll get to enjoy the show even more than your new rackets :-)


You guys are going to give the mild-mannered gentleman, Cello an ego crisis
To Sirspeedy ...

If you get to the RMAF, forget any thoughts of a vicious loop on any of your topspin shots. At 5,000 feet, the ball flies out of control :-((

OTOH, the high country is gorgeous at the end of September / early October - different from a Northeast foliage season, but dramatic in its own way.

People heading to the show should absolutely book an extra couple of days to get up to either Rocky Mountain National Park or the recreation areas near the Continental divide - both about 90 minutes from the hotel.

Thom @ Galibier