ZYX Universe - Unipivot or Dual Gimbal arm

For those with Universe experience, does it sound better with a Unipivot or Dual Gimbal (SME) arm. Thanks.
Lots to cover in this thread ... I'll try to pluck off a few salient points.

I feel a bit odd, being in the middle of this ZYX love-fest, but I have to admit that they are mitey-fine cartridges. I have to agree with Raul however that the Dynavector XV1-s is also extraordinarily good. To date, these two marques are my fave.

Regarding the RMAF and my main room, one characteristic of the Exemplar horns we had at the Rocky Mountain Audiofest is that they can be a touch "hot" in the 2.5K to 3 KHz region. Several owners and I have been collaborating about this, but alas, the show deadline quickly approached and I had no time to act. A crossover parts upgrade has been reported to ameliorate this low treble bump.

I've been playing with Bastanis loudspeakers since returning from the show. They're definitely better behaved in this region, although like any transducer, they are not perfect. After their 400 hour break in (they're working on reducing this through an accelerated burn-in at the distributor's), I'll know more about them.

To Doug ... adjust azimuth visually for starters as you currently do, and then perform your fine adjustment by ear. Listen to female voice for imaging, depth, and best dynamic behavior when she belts it out. Azimuth when properly adjusted will transform the sonic images from a flat cardboard cutout presentation to one with real bodies in space.

Electronic adjustment of azimuth (for equal output in both channels) loses site of the fact that in doing so, you may end up with the stylus not sitting squarely in the record grooves. It's an unfortunate reality that cartridges cannot be manufactured perfectly.

Of course, if you're lucky then you will have the best of both worlds - equal output and while riding squarely in the groove. Better lucky than smart ;-)

If you adjust to track squarely in the groove, you may suffer a slight channel imbalance. This is an argument for either dual mono volume controls or a balance control, and not for adjusting your azimuth for equal output.

The first goal should always be to align the stylus with the groove.

Thom @ Galibier
Dear Lugnut,thanks for being so candid and TOO polite in your correspondence.To be honest,I DO have too big a mouth,at times,and surely went a good bit overboard in this posting.I have respect for Doug(you too Cello),and have mentioned it in past posts,so I hope I can be taken less venomously.Is that a word?

Some know this overly done trait of mine,and some may take it badly,though this is not an apology.I'm truly happy you don't feel negative,in general.Lugnut,you're seemingly one of the really good guys,so I've read.I don't like to be too straight forward,and like to put a bit of edge on my comments,with an eye towards baiting,only because this sometimes results in a stimulating debate/exchange,that can sometimes stray from the "ask and tell" questions,that are a norm.Guys like Frank Schroder,picked up on this trait,of mine,a long time ago,and can spot my BS in a N.Y. minute.It's one reason why I enjoy his chiming in,even though he (smartly)markets product, sometimes.BTW--I'm not considering any new arm purchases for a really ling time,so don't anyone accuse me of "toying" for any future discounts.I know plenty of "simple hobbyists disguised in reviewers clothing",who do this plenty,and that is something that diminishes the hobby,to me.Yes I am guilty of "really liking my current stuff"(which is damn good-TBH),after alot of years in the hobby.Yet I'm not married to any of it.I even got new tennis rackets,this summer,after 12 years.Happily I'm ,actually,and surprisingly,satisfied with my game.But I DO work at it as hard as I have worked on my system.Harder really(if one considers taking buckets of balls down to the courts in 35 degree weather,to fine tune a serve).Something my inlaws just don't get!Though my tennis partners endorse.A little humor!

Lugnut,based on some threads,regarding you,I know you are very well received by many,and I don't want to be anything other than polite,but I hope you get some of my following points.I,too am debating as to whether or not,to continue on these forums.Basically there can,in some cases,be a hidden agenda to some contributors.Some are market oriented,and some are very nice,yet some are a bit disingenuous.The latter is what I will,in the future,be sceptical of,and not freely give out any personal information to.Something I have been too naive about,though warned by friends of.I have also gotten E-mails trying to sell me stuff,at unbelieveably low prices.Who knows who a potential friend really is,or someone with an agenda?In my personal life I really DO like to be an open,and genuine person.

I did get carried away with my comments to Doug,and am ALWAYS sorry,after the fact,yet like the scorpion and frog,I can't help myself!

As for any humor,too few of us have it,and wouldn't it be way more fun if some fuddy duddys took themselves less seriously!

As far as any responsibility to newbees.PLEEEASE!Here is where you are either way too nice a guy,or simply naieve!Anyone taking any poster seriously enough to actually make a buying decision based upon the advice of any poster,particularly me,deserves(not really,but you get the point)to make a wrong choice in the equipment chosen.Even those foolish enough to put a Graham 2.2 on a "non tuned" suspension(BTW-tried it and it was a mistake,yet I could have easily blamed the arm).The only things "Audio" I know about(to a degree)are those things I buy,and live with,for a good while.That's it!Pause for thought--Ever wonder why a company like Brinkman is now recommending the HRS suspension platforms for their suspensionless tables?Or how,almost militant,Basis feels about a REAL suspension,and it's effect on performance.This is a cerebral hobby,as someone once said to me.I honestly don't know,yet am beginning to see things in a suspicious light.And yes,I'm a bit delusional,but hey,my friends like me.

As to my defense (sort of)of Raul.Firstly I really like him,and he has criticised me PLENTY(subwoofer threads,etc).Lugnut,if you have ever had a teenager(I am not stating Raul has a teen mentality,just follow my drift)you have been subject "PLENTY" to over the top enthusiasm,sometimes confrontational.Yet there can(as long as there are no embarrasing outbursts in front of the inlaws)be many times you simply have to take it with a grain of salt,and let it go.This is my "take" on RAUL,who really seems to LOVE his input,a bit too much.Yet it is STILL harmless,and he is knowledgeable.Don't delude yourself into thinking nothing can be learned,or at least given a new spin,from him.All of us must feel that some of our input has substance,sometimes,or we wouldn't post.Overall,the only post,of mine,that has any validity,was last years 2.2 damping fluid input.Because I've spent ALOT of time with it,on three set-ups.No other posts,by me,are relavent.I don't take myself all that seriously.Seriously!!Yet,in the past,I probably posted,and bloviated too much.At least I knew it.I did much of it with a smug smile,on my face.Some of my friends think I'm wasting my time,when doing so,and lately I wonder if they are right.Any newbee spending serious dough,from such input is probably in touch with a dealer(remember when we were supposed to get help from them,many years ago,in another galaxy,it seems)anyway,and they should be responsible for aiding ANY of us.Money equals support,to my way of thinking.Not an enthusiastic hobbyist( I think that this is all Raul thinks,and correctly so,he is).

BTW-- Last Christmas season,when I started on Audiogon,and was welcomed by the likes of other people,like CELLO,particularly, it was SO much fun,for me,that I kind of got into this habit.It is no longer that much fun,as you know.

About that time there was an INCREDIBLY RUDE and INSULTINGLY CUTTING thread(I think it was a poem,or holiday wish list,or something like that,pertaining to RAUL).To me,it was a DISGRACE,and yes,I may sometimes seem as you state "brutal",but I really don't think I flat out am nasty,to anyone.Engaging in good heated debate is different than THAT thread.

I would have quit this forum,in a heartbeat,if that happened to me(hint?),yet Raul stayed.I often disagree with him,yet I love the guy!I,also respect his tenacity(which is a really good thing to have,if you are a mega-serious tennis player,which I am.Maybe that is the connection).Sorry if you don't understand.I don't have the vocabulary to articulate my emotions,here!I,also felt really happy,for him(seeing how seriously he takes all of this)when his table/arm posts and pictures came out.He was getting attention,that he enjoyed,and worked hard for.He responded to EVERY congadulatory response.Even my "KNOCKS" that he could not have possibly been able to spend the time to voice everything in his collection.I even tried some humor,as to how he ought to worship his wife,for allowing a conglomeration,like his, to accumulate in his apartment living room.I suggested he buy her some"BLING",to keep her happy(I have too,and it works.A nice pair of earings should yield a Schroder Ref,in the distant future.I'm always pondering the strategy, and art, of WAF and accumulating a cool audio purchase).This part I don't think went over too well,with him,as he didn't respond,to it.

Well I probably have shot my load,on varying stuff,and it is probably a bore to most,yet,my response is simply-"I don't care"(actually I'm kidding myself,I do)!!

Best regards to all!!

Boy, I wish I could get that last three minutes of my life back that it took to read speedy's rambling last post. I just thought there would be something coming that would make sense. Speedy, try as you might to defend your's and Raul's style, the bucket you are using to carry this tune is full of holes.
Sorry speedy but you're drinking too much kool aid here. Raul is more than an "enthusiastic hobbyist" as you would like to believe. If that were the case he would not be so rude, uncompromising, and intolerant of others' points of view. Furthermore the language barrier is not an excuse either. His intentions are quite clear despite the imperfect grammar and syntax. All of course IMO.
>>the bucket you are using to carry this tune is full of holes.<<

Holes? I don't think so. IMO the bucket is full of something else.