ZYX Universe - Unipivot or Dual Gimbal arm

For those with Universe experience, does it sound better with a Unipivot or Dual Gimbal (SME) arm. Thanks.
Sorry speedy but you're drinking too much kool aid here. Raul is more than an "enthusiastic hobbyist" as you would like to believe. If that were the case he would not be so rude, uncompromising, and intolerant of others' points of view. Furthermore the language barrier is not an excuse either. His intentions are quite clear despite the imperfect grammar and syntax. All of course IMO.
>>the bucket you are using to carry this tune is full of holes.<<

Holes? I don't think so. IMO the bucket is full of something else.
Actually,the bucket is,and must be full of holes,so one can simply push down and pick up balls,easily.Kind of hurts the back to bend over too much!A neat tweak for tennis buckets,but thanks for the insight!

First things first. Think before you leap to your conclusions and spill forth your diatribes. I don’t think anyone that knows me would describe me as rude or not polite. I have not called you simply because I have not received any messages or emails from you asking me to call you. I would be happy talk with you as I have in the past.
I would like to suggest that you compose your future posts in “word” off line, re-read them, reflect upon what you are saying and then post them on the Audiogon forums if they still sound like what you would like to say. This may help alleviate a lot of your follow up posts where you then apologize for your self-described aggressiveness or rudeness.
We all say things from time to time in reaction to circumstances or what other people might say that we would like to reel back in and delete. Writing gives one a chance to pause and reflect on questions like “do I really want to say this like this” or “how will I feel tomorrow with what I am writing today”. I have also found it helpful not to post when I have had more than 2 glasses of wine.
There is no marketing effort on the part of either Doug Deacon or myself or any of us in Raul’s so called “ZYX Club” to help ZYX market their cartridges. If you will look at the responses that either Doug or I have made regarding the ZYX products, they are most often made when answering people asking questions specifically about ZYX or someone asking for help on a cartridge choice. I don’t see any difference in the enthusiasm that you have shown for the Graham 2.2 via your posts than what you have read about the ZYX products and the UNIverse in particular.
The benefit I get from “pushing” the UNIverse is purely the self satisfaction of trying to help other people in their journey of trying to enjoy music and maximizing the sound from their systems. I think you are way off base (or just cynical or paranoid) to suggest that either of Doug or I are trying to do anything other than altruistically help other people. Just take a look at the number of threads that Doug has provided lengthy posts to in trying to help people on various topics where he believes he has some expertise. He is passionate about Audio and also helping people. He should not be razzed for that part of his nature.
My guess is that from what I have been told (not experienced) by friends who either have or have listened to the XV-1s is that is an outstanding cartridge. I expect that at some point in the not too distant future, I will hear it in my own system and have the benefit of first hand experience. I am guessing that the Lyra Titan is also an incredible cartridge. That all being said, I can only compare the cartridges and write about those that I have heard in my own system and have commented on those in previous posts. I don’t believe that I have any business in commenting on cartridges in systems that I have not spent much time listening to.
I happen to like (love) my Graham 2.2 and I am assuming that the Phantom is that much better. I will also be happy to get any help in tweaking a bit more (or a lot more) performance out of my 2.2 when you have a chance. I have worked on the damping fluid and made some nice progress there. I am all ears when you are in the mood. I will tell you that, set up aside, the Graham did not come close to handling any of the cartridges as well as the Schroder did when we did our comparisons. I hope to be able to more controlled comparisons of cartridges using the same arms and system on the same weekend.
You may some day be fortunate enough to get to meet Frank Schroder and watch/ hear him set up an arm/cartridge and listen to his arm. More than likely, you will be impressed with what a decent, honest and knowledgeable person he is and realize that he has some of the best ears in our wonderful hobby and probably as good as anyone you will ever meet at setting up an arm and cartridge. I have no doubt about Frank’s honesty, ability, or objectivity when comparing audio products that are not his own or being realistic about his arms.
. I think that you have gone on about things in your posts that you have not experienced. You have not yet heard a UNIverse in any system and you have not heard a Graham 2.2, Wheaton, and Schroder Reference in the same system on the same weekend using the same (more than one) cartridges. To challenge the eight other people, all of whom I consider to have good ears, that did hear a whole weekend’s worth of comparisons and walked away with the same conclusions, when you were not there is a bit lacking in logic and heavy handed. The comparisons were done as carefully as could be done based on the knowledge of the people in the room. Please keep that it mind when slamming the efforts several people made to learn in the best environment possible.
As far as Raul, telling me to sell my UNIverse…..that is great coming from Raul (who has not heard a UNIerse in his own system or anywhere else) and who chooses to pounce on any one who says anything positive about the UNIverse. For you to back him up when you have not heard a UNIverse or how it matches up in my system is laughable. For you to defend Raul’s behavior (language challenges aside) leaves you on an Island by yourself. I have tried to find the good in Raul, but his rudeness and inaccuracies (here I am being kind) in his posts, leave me worn out and annoyed. I am done responding to him. I just don’t have the energy or the time.
I find that 95 % of the Audiogon members to be helpful and caring. Raul stacks up as the most offensive of the member that I have come across. The Language excuse it nonsense. I use Spanish in my daily business and I can assure you, the problems that stem out of Raul’s posts are not born out of his lack of command of English.
I think that the attacks on Raul are only in response to his rudeness and inaccurate rebuttals where he mis-quotes or quotes out of contacts. I don’t think that he would be attacked if not for his rudeness and put downs of others. Try going back and reading all of his posts when you have the time (and inclination) and see if you don’t soften you position a bit.
I love the learning side of this hobby and would be happy to gain from anyone who has knowledge and experience that will take me forward. In the case of Raul, he speaks with the same conviction and aggressiveness when he is right (and he is probably right happen more often than not) and when is dead wrong or speaking in an area where he does not have experience (and that happens way too much).
At this point I am now done discussing Raul for the foreseeable future.

Thom Mackris, - Thanks for the great insights on azimuth…..great stuff as always.
Cello,firstly I hope you and your family have gotten through the horrible weather.I still cannot get in touch with my folks.

I'd like to clear up a few things,you may not be clear on.Firstly your mention of my wine consumption(which I'll take as a harmless comment).I am always kidding when mentioning drinking wine during any posts.I do like to have maybe 4 glasses per week,as a health benefit,so I'm told.I,also,like to think that from the little personal contact we have had I have given the impression of being the polar opposite of my post personality.I could be wrong here.

As to the mention of my response to you being more appropriate off line--Larry,I WAS quite happy to originally hear from you and always called you back.Trust me,I'm not the overly sensitive type,yet our last two phone conversations were of my initiation,with your having to go.Your response,on both occassions,was "I'll call you back"!It's totally OK that this did not happen,don't sweat it.Yet I was NOT going to make any further intrusions in your personal life,as I could not read your lack of return calls,and felt I should respect your private life.Hense,no E-mails.I did drop a few hints on threads that you didn't pick up on,but it's perfectly OK!

My only real dissappointment is in myself,for OBVIOUSLY going a bit overboard in many previous posts,which don't really represent the real me,yet they were so much fun.Unfortunately,only to me.A bit self centered,I realize,to my chagrin.I most likely won't be posting alot,in the future as it seems I've overdone things.

Well that's the DEAL.Sorry to anyone offended!!Really!!