Equipment failure with Dakiom tweaks?

Has anyone experienced an equipment failure while using the tweaks from Dakiom?
Wow! what a email response I received from my questions to Dakiom. Lets just say soap should be used...
yeah, don,t dare cross these guys with an opinion or the wrong choice in speaker wires. ha. i thought i had been cussed out in every language til i met dr daxiom
hotmailjbc, YOU ARE RIGHT! even though dakioms work for my different systems, the PEOPLE especially the owner of dakiom is STUBBORN and wouldn't see anything outside their VIEW of things. TRUTH to them is according to their TRUTH ONLY! If you disagree with them especially in areas where you have difference of opinion, it's an AUTOMATIC LECTURE of DISAGREEMENT with them explaning away the subject as THEIR TRUTH and anything else would be a LIE. Even though I am a customer and user, I am also a major CRITIC of how they deal with those who DISAGREE with them or QUESTION their assessments. I do not like the ELITEST in high end audio either, in fact far worst, especially those in the CABLE industry. No way in the world, I would spend over $200 on a single interconnect or speaker wire. The people at dakiom is about as arrogant as the people in high end world whom they criticize in my opinion. EVERYONE has an opinion and have a different experience in any product. NO ONE is going to always agree with any product. There will always be pros and cons. To the dakiom people, their SCIENCE is the ONLY TRUTH. Science is a combination of TRUE PRINCIPLES but it is also FULL OF THEORIES AND CONCEPTS which is NOT TRUTH, so there is a contradiction in science, but DON'T ARGUE THAT WITH DAKIOM engineers!
Man I was curious about some of the Dakiom tweaks but after these posts I may think twice. I would think they would have some grounds to get pissy if you were asking a question that was covered in their ads (17 pages in MS word last I checked) but to be mean to people debating or asking questions I think is wrong. I guess that may be why their last positive feedback was in early 2010.
i just asked him which ones i need and he looked at my system and went medieval on me ha. told me to put toilet paper under my s--- system. gotta love it ha and that is the nice thing he said to me