Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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Melbguy1, I took a peak at you Gigawatt power conditioner/surge protector, I believe you made an excellent choice,but by adding a dedicated line and circuit, and plug the Gigawatt to that, the only way is up in performance, this cannot degrade your sound at all, whether it be subtle or more, depends on the equipment and current draw, the main thing with the dedicated line and circuit is that you have seperation from everything else in the house and system which improves your power to be ALOT cleaner, so when you use a ceiling fan, blender,vacum cleaner, etc..., the noise from these products that they introduce into you power lines that are likly daisy chained to each other in the walls cannot effect the dedicated line and circuit, thus, even useing the Gigawatt fine product on the dedicated line and circuit you will have a GAIN in improvement in SQ, Cheers.
Sabai, I enjoyed what you have explained about Furutech products, and you are most welcome to this thread, I would enjoy your input here on many matters, However, Please stop frustrating Melbguy1 to continue having a conflict with you on this thread, at this point, it does not matter who is wrong or right, nobody will come to this thread when they read into the conflict at hand, I know I would not stick around to long if I was the reader, I am worse than both of you with conflicts, if you do not believe me, check out the amp threads, Burmester and krell thread, this guy made out that Burmester was the Holy grail of all audio, I lost it, however, I knew when to stop and walk away, in this case here, I want all of you to stay!, just change the subject, I bet if the both of you was to share to each other what equipment you have or like, you and melbguy1 would find common ground to share the love of music and audio with each other, I want to learn from the both of you, nobody knows it all, it's wise to gain knowledge from others to add to what you have is my theory, cheers.
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