Equipment you just must get if you can

I mean something that you may not exactly need or/and cannot quite afford but still within reach, so if that piece comes up for sale, the price and the seller are right you would buy it because you really want to.
For me it would be Michael Green Audio Chameleon speakers.
Stan, this is different but I know what you are saying, I think. For some reason I want to try Gryphon electronics and Echole cables. I have no idea why, but both are not even close to being within my reach.
And Michael Green speakers that I mentioned - I know exactly why I want them and theoretically I could afford them though I would have to skip breakfast and lunch for couple of months to pay for them.
Some equipment I heard at a fellow audio club member's has me reeling. Some of the best recorded music I've heard period. It was a Meridian system, well if you want to call it a system. A Control 15 and 7200 speakers, thats the whole system. The music server drives the speakers direct no preamp, power amp, ect, ect. Simple elegance, and sound to die for.
Tannoy Kingdom Royal is way out of reach for me, but having a pair would be my dream come true.
Well, I can't actually say I would actually buy them, because there never is any money when they come around. But, I have always wanted... Audio Note P2SE amp, Ensemble Tiger Integrated, Nottingham Hyperspace, Cary 300SE signatures, Magnan ribbon speaker cables, KLH electrostatic speakers, Audio Prism Debut amp, and the old Purist Audio Design interconnects with the root beer colored liquid dielectric. Also, of course, One of LLoyd Walkers turntables at Goodwill on half off days among other things.