Melody Gardot coming to Philly

Just wanted to let everyone in the area know that Melody Gardot is coming to Philadelphia September 29th. I had the pleasure of hearing her live twice and she and her band were amazing. While performing different arrangements than what's on her albums, she also does some standards. A true talent. If you're in the area, check her out at the Merriam theater. Tickets went on sale this week.
I know many will not share my opinion, but I've come to think her new one is her best. I absolutely love Brazilian music so I listen to a lot of Anthony Carlos Jobim , Milton Nascimemto, Ellis Regina etc. I understand why Melody would go this route because its beautiful music. She also lives in France and the French have an infatuation with South America. Brazilian Portuguese is also a romance language and that also feeds her artistry. Any Melody fan would of course coo over the song So Long. It almost brings me to tears every time I play it. Same goes for So we meet again my heartache. Those two songs alone are worth the price of admission. Then Lisboa, being her first song to ever be sung in Portuguese is just absolutely beautiful. I'm so glad she did this work. So far she's captured my interest and shows no sign of slowing down. I hope that anyone who poo poos this Lp keeps it close by and gives it
another chance.
Anyone who poo poos Absence has the taste of the Philistines :-)
(with all due apologies to Philistines, present and past)

I'm a bigger fan of her two earlier works with her take on what would be considered standards if not for the fact that she penned them herself.
(Harry Nillson would have been a great opener for her if only he were still alive.)
I love those songs.

Absence is great on its own: a beautiful departure into another genre of music that shows how deep and wide her talents are. I didn't know it was Portuguese she was singing and kept thinking it was French with a touch of Spanish of all things. I love it when artists sing in foreign languages that I'm not fluent in (that would be English only) since the voice takes on the air of an instrument.
With no understanding of the language, one can fully appreciate the voice (like choir and chant).

All of this is really working me up for this.
Counting the days.

All the best,
Thought of this just as I posted: Wouldn't it be nice if she did a cover of
The Girl Form Ipanema?
The Girl From Ipanema would suit her perfectly.

Donjr, Philadelphia. As a foodie, you're going to love it. Within a 10 minute walk of the Merriam lie countless outstanding venues.
Donjr: If you're looking for a place to eat on that night, check out the website for my new favorite place: R2L. It's on the 37th floor of Liberty Place with 360 degree views of the city. Actually, half of it is private dinning so guys like you and me get breathtaking views of sunsets to the west and a view 37 floors up! Definitely unique. Check out their website. But it's expensive as hell. Since you're into cocktails, maybe stop in for a drink. The entrance doesn't scream out so look for an awning with very small logo "r2l" on 16th street. If you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't even know it's there.