XLR & RCA caps

Does anyone use caps on the unused inputs and outputs of your components? can you hear a difference? does anyone use products like audioquests XLR caps? http://www.audioquest.com/audio-enhancements/xlr-noise-stopper-caps
I cover all mine to keep out dust and oxidation. I have the Audioquest and Cardas xlr caps. The Cardas have a better fit but cost more. The rca caps I use are a mixed bag some from AQ and the others are some cheapos from Music Direct. I don't hear any sonic benefit from using these but I think its a good idea to keep things covered as exposed connections will oxidize over time.
12-06-12: Gshepardbuster
I don't hear any sonic benefit from using these but I think its a good idea to keep things covered as exposed connections will oxidize over time.

I agree. I use Audio Additives caps from MusicDirect
I have a lot of stuff. I bought 100 caps from a nice seller in Taiwan (who since has vanished from eBay?)
I have to say the addition of over fifty caps to the backs of all my stuff did result in a tiny improvement as a 'blacker background'
The most visible improvement was on my plasma TV, which i added caps to all the unused inputs with RCA connectors.
Audio and video. And on all the unused DVD player connectors.
The screen definitely gained a smoother appearance. less noise/grain.
I wanted to buy some of the XLR caps from that seller, but discover he is gone.
So yeah, i am happy i bought the covers.
I also use power conditioners. The main one a Furman REF 20i and Pangea power cords.
Other things which improve grain and stuff.
Agree with the above. I have used the Cardas RCA and XLR caps for years, (ever since they have been available).