Experiences, good and bad, with VTL

Hi all,
I'm strongly considering VTL monos for my system. I'd like to hear from anybody about their experiences. Were they reliable? How often and how much was retubing? Most importantly, how did they sound, relative to other tube amps.

David Shapiro

I own a pair of MB-100s and have been very happy with them. They power my Celestion SL700s with no problems. They have decent bass, a bit forward mid(but still very nice because my speakers are slightly too mellow) and nice upper end. For the money they are great. I have owned them for two years and have absolutely no problems with them.

Good luck with your search.
update i just put in some brimar 12AT7 black plate tubes made in 1958 they are a better than 1970's mullard box plate and about equal to but different than my telfunken right now i love em but will go back to the tele's to see if they really are better will post a follow up
Tube Research Labs is not out of business at all. I know because I am a dealer for them. So, im responding to rebut that. As a matter of fact they have just expanded to Cable Research Labs and they are making incredible leaps and bounds in that market now also. If you have any questions please feel free to call me for any more info @ 708-267-1588
I just picked myself up a pair of MB-185 Sig. mono's that are about four years old. I am the third owner, and was able to pick them up directly from the second owner, who had used them with no problems for a year. I put them in my system last weekend, and they only played for about 3 hours before they both went dead simultaneously. The weird thing is, it was the B+ fuses that I think blew, because the heater filaments still light up, but only an AC line/AC fuse event could explain them going at the same time. Since then, I've left two messages for Luke with no response, and although I've talked to Bea twice, she isn't up on the technical issues. She did tell me, however, that the B+ fuses, which are 1 amp, 250 volt, slo-blo types in my amps, are now in current production changed to 1.5 amp, 600 volt, fast-blo types. This is more in line with the fusing I've seen used on other fine tube amps. I really have a hard time understanding why, at VTL, only the company owner and president (Luke) is the one supposed to deal with customer technical support issues. He's obviously much too busy to give me kind of support I've always had available to me from Conrad-Johnson, for instance. I'm going to try to replace these fuses with 1.5 amp, 250 volt, fast-blo's for the time being, since new fuse holders are required to fit the higher voltage replacements, but I'm very curious what could have caused this to happen in the first place, and whether it will happen again. (BTW, the rest of the system works fine with my old amp, and no power line event was noticable at the time of the failure.) As for the sound, it's too early for me to have formed a real opinion, but they did seem big and powerful with good transparency, but somewhat dark and lacking in sparkle and air, and a little looser in the bass than I was expecting, but these may need fresh tubes. Anybody done the cap upgrade here?
Stay away from Vtl. I was the second owner of a Stereo 50/50 . When It was built they offered a "lifetime transferrable warranty"The first time the amp failed ( a popping noise) not only would they not honor their warranty but it cost $250 for new input caps.The second time it was a resistor that I replaced.Finally the right ouutput transformer failed. They wanted to charge me $400 for matched transformers.The irony is that the first time it failed I was auditioning a vtl 2.5 pre and St 85 amp. I would have bought them both if they had taken care of me.I bought a McIntosh pre and power instead. It was the best decision I've made in a long time. As for the Stereo 50,I sold it for parts/repair on ebay. VTL lost a customer for life!