Help me with preamp choice.

I am breaking up my large hometheater system. I am just about done with a new room I have added on to my home.I have not had a stand alone two channel system in years.I like all kinds of music. The only equipment I will be takeing to the new room will be my amp,cd player and my main speakers. ( krell ksa 250, sony xa777 and vmps supertower R's ) My cables are harmonic tech interconnects and acustic zen on the speakers. My new room is 27 feet wide 25 feet deep with 10 foot height. I would like to buy used around $1500. Any type of preamp would be considered as long as you thought it would mate well with my amp.
Marakanetz, my amp has 47K input impedance and my sony book says 2 Vrms ( at 50 kilohms ) analog out. I have never used a passive pre before. Don't know if it is the speakers or the sony but the amp does not sound bright at all. I will do a search on some of your ideas. I have never heard any Placcette gear.
I believe that you should be OK with passive preamplifier. In my case I tried lots of preamps bellow $1500 but was only successful with passive setup with slight loss of dynamics but with great gain of transperency and naturality.
Marakanetz, Have you ever heard the F.T. Audio LT-1? So far I have read the best reviews on the Placette and the F.T. Audio. Are they in the same ball park. I think I will give one of them a shot.
You could get a used Blue Circle BC3 Despina for around $1500. These cost about $3500 new.