Help on Telefunken tubes

Hi, My problem is this: I have a tele tube that has most of the label wiped off. I need to know if it's a ax7 or au7. I have other ax7's but this tube in question looks just like the others. It is a smooth plate and I don't know if au7's come in ribbed and smooth plates. One thing I did notice is that the little pins at the top of my ax7's look the same. The tube in question does not.Could that be an indication? Any help would be a life saver. Thanks in advance, Bret (BTW I don't have a tube tester)
Albert is right, but I may have an easier way. In good light, exhale onto the surface of the tube, the patterns of the long gone paint often become apparent enough to read in the condenstion of your breath.
Thanks Albert for the advice. The tele in question turned out to be a au7. Good listening!