Marantz 8B, best tubes to use ??

any thoughts on which tubes sound best onthis classic amp ??
For day-to-day use, I've had great luck with the large bottle Sovtek EL-34s. But for delicacy, it would be hard to beat the small bottle Seimens NOS EL 34s, if you can find them. I also have used the big GE 6CA7s for day to day listening, and they were very reliable. I don't know what's available now, since I bought enough Sovteks to last me a while, but I'm sure some of the other A'goners can help you with the newest hot tubes.
Good Luck,
How about the original tube for this amp? Mullard EL 34 XF1 or XF2. Problem is cost, both tend to be very expensive if new in box.
Like Ed, i had Sovtek's in my Marantz. Tried a few other tubes in it, but that's what i came back to. I sold the amp a while back though, so i can no longer make comparisons in that specific circuit. Sean
For the pentodes the EL34 metal base have the best resolution and cleanest sound. There is little difference between the 6CA7 big bottle (Philips ECG or Sylvania only).
BTW: Siemens never produced any EL34.
You might also try to play with the 6CG7 and the 6BH6.
I use Philips labelled 6CG7 (D-Getter) from the 50's.
I'm currently try to find Philips E90F (=6BH6), mesh plates