Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles

I am in the process of a 30-day in home audition of a deHavilland mercury 2 tubed linestage, which is a new product showing amazing promise. Here's a link to the item.

Problem is I dont have another preamp (preferrable a tubed linestage) to compare it to. Making matters worse, I dont even have speakers at the moment - having just sold me Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage's (though i am expecting a set of Verity Audio Parsifal Encores next week).

If you are game, I would love to meet up for a little preamp head-to-head. I'd be happy to go to your place with the Merc 2 for a run, if anyone is interested.....
I would be interested, I live near Nokomis. E-mail me and we can discuss. My speaks are Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Grands. Current pre-amp is BAT VK-31SE.
Update: Thanks for the offer Jeff. I am meeting up with Jafox tonight. He has a BAT 31SE AND an Aesthtix Callisto Signature. We'll spin vinyl on his system and compre the three.

I also have tentative plans to hook up with Bob (USblues) to drop the Merc it into his counterpoint-Merlin system.

Update to follow.
Art, too bad you no longer have your First Sound. You could have pitted it directly against the Mercury. Won't you now always be left with a trace of a nagging doubt?