Best looking / worst looking amps & preamps

OK, this week we garnered opinions on the best looking and ugliest speakers. Now it's time to assess the best looking and worst looking amps and preamps. To make the discussion more focused, let's confine choices to amps and preamps manufactured since 1980. Ready....GO!
I'm real partial to the BAT stuff but that may be cuz it sounds so damned good that I've become biased. The Lehmann Black Cube is one ugly little critter IMHO
I like the look of the Sim gear especially the moon rok.For ugly, well, I always thought the N.E.W. preamp was "beauty challanged" However it sounded very good to my ears. I'm partial to those blue laser leds on the moons when you walk into the room.....luckily they sound pretty good too....I always admired the SF styling....the original krell pam1 has a nice clean, understated syle I liked....I really like the brand-new copland preamp....wish I could afford one....
Best Looking: Audio Devices (ultra-expensive Japanese components made in the late-'80's) champagne gold and ivory components, and Mike Maloney's MAN (Scientific Fidelity) triangular amp and handlebar preamp.

Worst Looking: I thought my Krell FPB with the old-style faceplate was ugly until I saw Bongiorno's Ampzilla 2000. The CTC Blowtorch preamp's appearance doesn't say, "I want a big hug" either.
I have always liked the Audio Research stuff in silver.
Very classic. Quad and Naim both have produced some real
ugly items through the years.
I guess I would call Blue Circle funky. Most like the glowing blue circle, but few are neutral about the wood knobs, which seem to have a love/hate response. I agree that the YBA gear looks nice. There are lots of nice looking tube amps.