Power cords?

Intrigued by the thought of adding aftermarket power cords to my modest HT components.
Current power cords appear to be hard wired.
Denon avr-1803
Polk Audio powered sub psw-350
Can it be done?
Would it be a waste of my time?
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
I'll put in my vote for SilClear. Less expensive than the Walker SST with very good results on power cords, IC's, speaker cables etc. I even have a friend who is putting it on his lightbulbs! Listener57, I don't have any experience with the Walker SST product but I did find the special applicators at my local drugstore, in my case Walgreen's. Look in the make-up section. They are for applying eye makeup. They work well with SilClear also.
Cheers, Greg
I too tried the Highwire power wraps on the stock power cords of my Directv HDTV receiver (a Samsung T160) and my receiver. They work well, are inexpensive, and made a very nice improvement to the video picture.
I replaced mt HDTV fixed cords. Interestingly, inside it was cleat that fixed couds were after thought. They were MADE for real cables, naking putTing in IEC easy. An the picture upgrade was amazing.

Have also done with audio, but better audio tends to have detachable but splicing good gotd in is both easy and helpful.