Magnets on cables?

I recently tried an experiment just for fun and I ended up with great results. I put multiple sets of two very strong magnets, facing each other so that they are attracted to each other, on any given cable (power, interconnect or speaker). These are the magnets I used.
I had the most noticeable results with interconnects and speaker cables but I also got good results inside my SACD player, on the internal wires. I don't know all of the technical terms but to me it made the sound fuller and smoother. Since the price of the magnets is low, I would recommend getting 10 pairs and try them in different locations and in different combinations. I would love some feedback to let me know whether I am just imagining the differences or not.
Its Possible that a magnetic field may be our highway to a higher power. Man that was deep. I better lay down.
Man, I don't know why I read any of this stuff. I hit that "highway to a higher power" and now I hafta go change my underwear...

I guess this is kinda similar to the Bill Engvall line about "did you hit a deer?", only I musta hit the whole shlabang.
Common sense would dictate that placing magnets next to ANY wiring would induce an EMF that would degrade the signal, not improve fidelity (i.e.: shielded front/center channel H.T. speakers).

Of course, if common sense prevailed, we all would find another hobby besides high-end audio :-)

I did not remove the magnets from their brackets. I find the brackets make them easier to use because it gives them a bit of space between each other.