Is gear cheaper in Canada?

Hi guys. I just moved to upstate New York and I am the market for some gear (CDP, cables, etc). Is there that big of a price difference between USA and Candada to make a 2 hour trip?
Hey, Xmore. It's like Canadina dollars, eh? But what about the border? Do you have to pay anything at the border? I know stuff I've bought in the states are taxed 15% after the conversion rate so that $100US is no longer 'a bargain". On the bright side there are some brands in Canada still not known in the states or very low profile....Wyetech, foundation research, passion[from china],Pierre Gabriel, vecteur,[from france], space-tech-lab, mention a few. Look upon it as a pleasure visit and enjoy yourself. Remember, you're looking at a Canadian price tag. Oh, I forgot to mention axion speakers, pretty good for the buck. Have fun. I'm sure others will have good advice, too. cheers, Bluenose
Depending on what you are looking at many items are cheaper. Most US made products are not but all Canadian and many European item are with the strength of your dollar. We ship many items to US customers .
Yes their is a really big difference , not only because the canadian money conversion (1$ US = 1.57$ CAD!!!) But also because of the conpetition between all the audiostore . Try Montreal or ontario , im sure you wont be disapointed. ( I know what I mean I live in canada :)