What do you think about this ?

Do you think this member deserves a negative feedback ?

I've an add running to sell some speaker cable and this one member emailed me the first day I put the ad saying, I'll but right now if you accept my offer, I accept and emailed back to him and did not get any reply.
I got a new email from him today after 15 days saying , I'll but the cables if you accept this price, I accept and email back to him and I don't get a reply at all.

How do I stop this nonsense ? Should I leave a negative feedback ? Appreciate your opinion.
Audiogon is clear in its instructions that feedback cannot be left unless money changes hands or an auction is won. Neither happened here so no feedback. Period. This stuff happens all of the time; it is simply part of the cost of doing business on the web. Some people have high integrity and some don't. Anyone wishing to avoid these problems should seriously consider trading their gear in to dealers or putting the gear on consignment. Viable alternatives with their own sets of plusses and minuses.
"feedback cannot be left unless money changes hands?" That's a crying shame. Someone can promise, give their word, hold up your auction with bs, and you cannot give the person negative feedback? $$ are the sole criteria to be judged on the 'gon? Gimme a break. Maybe we should pressure the powers that be to make a change. peace, warren
In his first email, the person wrote "I'll buy the cable immediately if you accept $$$ and will pay through paypal".

Trelja, What do you say about that ?

15 days later, the same person wrote "I'll buy the cables if you accept $$$". No mention about previous email or nothing. Don't you think he knows, I'm the same person still have the ad running ?

I can give the user name but its better to just move on. If I receive another email, I'm going to post a negative feedback and report that to Audiogon staff.
Knock yourself out. Ignore the rules. Interesting that the guy who backed out was within Audiogon guidelines and you are saying that you will go outside of them if you receive another e-mail. Warren, the reason that Audiogon has the policy is so they don't spend all of their time hearing disputes based on heresay and miscommunication. I agree that it is a problem. Your suggestion of lobbying for change, if that is what you believe, is far better than your first suggestion which would be going against the rules of conduct on this site.