Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.
Thanks, Tom. Looking forward to seeing it.
It's always easier to work up the nerve & coin to try some of these things when we have a better understanding of how they attempt to attack the problem.
Ultimately we have to trust our ears, but it's nice to narrow things down to gear with rational thinking behind it.
Sorting through all the marketing BS is what I think turns off so many to our hobby. Getting on a rant tangent here, but the Bose crowd has really done all of us a disservice that's resulted in generations now growing up without giving due to good music reproduction in the home. Anything that brings us closer to the music!
Newbee: I don't know if what i was trying to explain was a matter of "increased gain" as much as a perceived altering of tonal balances and amplitude linearity.

As we all know, altering the tonal balance of a system can have us thinking that the the spl or "gain" of the system has been altered. In reality, the average spl could remain the same even though more signal is being reproduced in certain sensitive frequency ranges at the expense of energy in other less sensitive areas ( or vice-versa ). The "average" spl or "gain" of the system has remained consistent, but due to our ears' lack of linearity, our brain is fooled into thinking otherwise. Bare in mind that this is all a "guesstimate" as to what is going on, as i have nothing statistical to base this on.

Like a lot of other things, i would like to do quite a bit of testing and research in this area, but i just can't seem to find the time or motivation to get off the computer and get busy. I think that the use of calibrated test equipment like an accelerometer, spectrum analyzer and spl meter could really give us quite a bit of data to work with in this area. I have all the gear to do that with, but it's a lot easier to talk about it than to actually do it : ) Sean
Good-day to all:

Robert here, from Star Sound Technologies, LLC. I was not available to answer the various questions tabled over the past week as we asked Tom Lyons to step in and address your inquiries on this thread.

After reading all the information listed above and trying not to create additional confusion, I would like to address a few members here and again ask them what specific questions they would like us to answer for them with regards to the function of the Sistrum Platforms design.

We really enjoy all of the telephone communications provided by you the listeners, however it remains a request, in so many words, that we answer here in print as well.

As you begin to process some of the information written below you will realize that there is much to be said and learned, so please direct your questions as accurately as possible.

In order to play some catch up, I would like to provide you a basis for understanding of our newfound discoveries of which definitely addresses a change from the age old thought philosophy with concerns to resonance and the controlling thereof.

Sistrum Platforms invention was initially based on the study of raw materials and how they vibrate, their associated frequency response, what additional properties are borne from said vibrations, what inefficiencies are borne related to the vibrations, analyzing multiple resonance properties and establishing various patterns, documenting various amplitudes thereof and how to apply the results from these studies in order to establish a greater efficient state of operation. Then, apply all of the above information and test results by inventing and manufacturing a product that both provides the hi-fi listener a more musical environment and establish a newfound technology that is expandable for additional industry.

Within the Specialty Audio Industry there is little written, little understood and even less quantitative research available to aid the end user in their search for a truer wide-ranging understanding as to what detriments are actually formed from vibration, how and why resonance prohibits functionality and what the benefits could be achieved by targeting a specific application to reduce the disadvantageous effects from Coulomb friction (a self induced problem).

A typical resonance pattern embodies Coulomb friction (the downside or negative) as well as micro and macro dynamics (the upside or positive). Add to that all the combined resonant frequencies from electrical and mechanical forces plus the many individual harmonic frequencies that are also formed as part of a typical resonance pattern. These combined frequencies also combine with other harmonics generating yet more types of resonance patterns of harmonic frequencies and without any specific structure over time. That said, hopefully you can now begin to understand, the further in we go into the topic of what is termed resonance the more difficult a general definition, understanding and/or description becomes. A slight change in materials alone and the resonance patterns again change as the analytical process begins anew. It has taken us eight years of research and prototyping just to bring five models of Sistrum to the market and we are still learning more about our discoveries each and every day.

Lest we forget combined with all the variables listed above when it comes time to set up for testing and evaluation the process of how to properly establish testing methodology also begins anew. Initially, we must establish a common ground for testing that also requires individual formulas for each test application, the various types of test equipment required along with re-calibrating each piece, environmental details also play a critical role and are calculated in, which materials to use and what determines the order of employment as the list of criterion continues to expand.

To completely understand and apply the term resonance or a more often used terminology – ‘energy’ in a simple context is not easily done.

The goal of Star Sound Technologies, LLC and Executive Lead Designer Brent Riehl is to remove the multiple amplitudes of Coulomb friction formed on all surfaces without disrupting or destroying the natural dynamics and harmonics that reside within each individual instrument (components, loudspeakers, cables, acoustical control devices, walls, flooring and ceilings, and even musical instruments) thus establishing a more efficient state.

The results of this efficiency is immediately noticed as the you will hear more information produced at the loudspeaker level such as a defined triplet on a snare drum head or a longer sense of cymbal decay without sudden drop-off or actually hearing the breath before the voice. It will also appear as if your system is working with a greater sense of effortlessness. Our opening statement to all audiophiles who inquire is that the equipment you already own possesses many of these qualities. All we provide you is the ability to hear and appreciate all of these musical traits. We accomplish this by providing a high-speed pathway for the exit of Coulomb friction effect.

The Sistrum Platform is an active device. It vibrates continuously and simultaneously. The primary function of the Sistrum Platform is to be capable of reducing said friction while in motion, as everything in a musical environment is moving.

The Sistrum Platform is also the noisiest Platform in the world. Actually the term Sistrum comes to us from an age old musical instrument often described as a “rattle triangle”.

Proper Definition: The sistrum was an ancient musical instrument, kind of like a rattle in shape combined with the idea of a modern tambourine. It had two basic designs, the naos and the hoop. Most late period was of the hoop design. Most commonly it featured a representation of Het-Hert (Hathor) on the handle. It was used in sacred rituals, most particularly for Het-Hert but later associated with Imen (Amun) and Aset (Isis). It was most particularly used by the women musicians and chantresses who served in the temple, and the sound was believed to ward off the powers of chaos.

Our noisy “rattle triangle” vibrates creating a multitude of frequencies. One of the key elements within this design is that the materials employed produce a frequency range well above as well as well below that of our human hearing – therefore we only hear the instrument or component in its uninterrupted and natural vibrating state free from the detrimental effects caused from Coulomb friction.

I have noticed much confusion here over the directionality of the Audio Points when placed onto the Sistrum design. As previously stated by Tom Lyons, should you invert an Audio Point (tip facing skyward) on a standard shelf or plane, you reverse our geometry and the Audio Points will not function properly. Try to think of the Audio Points, by themselves, as a two dimensional design. The varying amplitudes of resonant energy enters the body of the Audio Point and are transferred through the tip into the greater mass or grounding plane below (shelf or racking eventually contacting the flooring).

Now think of the Sistrum Platform more in a three dimensional plane. The inverted Audio Points when “Direct Coupled”, meaning that there is another intersecting Audio Point below the steel shelf with the tip facing downward (model SP-004 and SP-1) or on our Multi-Shelf Designs (models SP-2, 3, 4, 5, 6) there is a one inch brass bolt with a specified diameter that sandwiches the steel shelf and intersects the Audio Point facing skyward, is a requirement for the design to function. This Direct Coupled technique enhances the now inverted Audio Point's performance, in essence creating a mechanical amplifier. The inverted Audio Point now works much like a megaphone; however we rely just as much on the shelving material and the main support rods to draw the friction away from the component or loudspeaker. Do not think of the resonance first going through the tips of the points then to the shelving as all the materials are engineered to function as a whole. These parts are all formulated to work as a unit or not at all.

If we were to add a greater mass to the shelf, use another steel material other than that of our own cold rolled steel formula, loosen or eliminate the brass bolts connecting the shelf to the Audio Points, use a different materials formula for our brass which is extremely critical to the Audio Points function, use a solid steel main support rod (more on the rods shortly as I am sure there will be questions asked on those topics) instead of our three part design – the Sistrum Platform would become dysfunctional.

We do have a few simple requests in order that all parties involved with this questions and answers thread remain focused on the concept itself and they are:

1. Please do not state any rebuttals in the fact that we are marketing and advertising our products throughout this thread. We have had an Advertising Agreement with Audiogon for some time and will continue to advertise according to our Agreement. Certain members who have criticized us for this in the past are also the members wishing to call us to the table and now must realize by doing so they have actually opened up the door for such.
2. Please provide us a few days in order to properly answer your questions. We are in our busy season as the job is also demanding more of our time.
3. If you have a debated issue that will take away from the context of what will happen here, I will request a phone call in order to satisfy the questioner with a one to one understanding.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to the communications.

As always – Good Listening!

Robert Maicks
Star Sound Technologies, LLC
Robert: "The Sistrum Platform is an active device. It vibrates continuously and simultaneously. The primary function of the Sistrum Platform is to be capable of reducing said friction while in motion, as everything in a musical environment is moving.

The Sistrum Platform is also the noisiest Platform in the world. Actually the term Sistrum comes to us from an age old musical instrument often described as a “rattle triangle”.

Our noisy “rattle triangle” vibrates creating a multitude of frequencies. One of the key elements within this design is that the materials employed produce a frequency range well above as well as well below that of our human hearing – therefore we only hear the instrument or component in its uninterrupted and natural vibrating state free from the detrimental effects caused from Coulomb friction."

Sean: You state that the Sistrum platform is designed specifically to resonate and said resonances occur all over the audible spectrum, including above and below the audible bandwidth. If such is the case, isn't the Sistrum itself contributing stray energy to the components that it supports? If so, it would be feasible that the "increased output" that Tom aka Audiotweak measured was due to increased chassis excitation / ringing.

If such is the case, how does Sistrum take into account the various mass and density of the various components that will be used atop one of their platforms. Logic dictates that varying weights and densities will change the resonant frequency of the support structure as a whole, making anything less than a custom built / individually tuned "resonator" pretty much useless or at least unpredictable. Obviously, the use of test equipment under controlled conditions ( as previously mentioned ) would put a lot of this to rest.

As a side note, i would think that anyone in this line of work that had actually developed a product that was light years ahead of the competition would want to explain why the product was superior to help increase marketing potential. Are you telling us that it has taken you guys well over a half dozen years to even think about explaining how your product works to potential clientele? The fact that a publicly available explanation based on sound engineering practices would have negated all of the negative press that you've received tells me that you are now only attempting to do this is to institute "damage control". I could be wrong here, but that is what anyone with an ounce of logic in them would be led to believe. Sean
hello Sean if someone volunteered to loan you some sistrum platforms or rack so you could demo/measure their effects and report your findings here be of any interest to you?