Sound is too thin. What to upgrade, add or remove?

Need your advise - please have a look at my system below (click on the system link). Just in the past couple of months or so it seems, my setup started to sound way too thin in my ears. It feels as though the bottom-end is just not enough anymore. But I as you can see from the pictures, I try to stay on the minimulist side of things. The aesthetics are very important as well (WAF). I can't really have too much exposed gear (WAF). What can I do to boost the overall sonics of this system without adding a sub? How much more can a power conditioner add? What about replacing the power tubes, IC's and adding a DAC? or should I switch to a different amp - like a Gamut (SS) 200/wcp? What other push-pull (100 wpc or more) quality tube amps are out there? My budget is $2K - $3K plus the value of current amp if I were to swap it out.

I really appreciate your comments. Thank you.

Very smart Larry!

A very sneaky and elegant way to get the little lady to "see" why you're always upgrading and why we love audio in the first place.

Now if any wives or girlfriends read this, they'll to try get us to try on a few designer dresses the next time we go shopping with them.
All the suggestions re room treatments are right on. And I agree with Cello re Symposium's Rollerblocks. Isolate your components and try out some Svelte Shelves or, better, some Ultra platforms under your source and preamp. Using Svelte Shelves will allow you to keep your very attractive credenza. Very intriguing setup. Enjoy!
Good comments from Islandear, but I would recommend the Zoethecus Z-slab over either the Symposium Svelte shelves or the Symposium Ultra shelf.
I have had all three ofthose shelves plus the Rosinante Dark Shelf, Black Diamond Racing Shelf and Silent Running Audio's custom built stands.
The Silent Running stand was clearly in first place (but costs around ( $ 600.00 - $ 800.00 new), the Zoethecus Z-slab came in second, then Rosinante, then the Symposium Ultra, followed by the Svelte Shelves and in last place the Black Diamond Racing platform. An audiophile friend and I did some blind A/B comparisons using several types of music and the results were clear, repetitive and unanimous between us.
While the Symposium Roller Block system (get the Grade 2 Tungsten Carbide balls) is an amazing product ( I compared it to Walker Valid Points, Black Diamond Racing Cones and a few other similar products and the Roller Blocks are by far the best of what I have tried), their Shelves, while quite good and better than no shelf, don’t produce the same stellar results.
Great Power Cords, Shelves, and Coupling devices when well matched to you system, do absolute wonders for the sound -It is very much equal to a major component upgrade.
I am looking forward to hear how your journey progresses. Do keep us all updated with your trials and results.
Cello: Happy to see you coming to rescue outside the Supratek thread :-) I have already started scanning a’gon for a hydra-4 plus some replacement PCs. Will keep everyone posted.

Nrchy: I looked at yours as well as a few other Kharma based systems. I feel you may be right about the in-between distance. I guess I’ll do the best I can for now. Nrchy guest what we have another things in common, I too am motorcyclist – 1997 BMW R850R tour bike:-)

Just wanted to mention that I live in a NYC (pre WW-II) building which means, below my sub floors there is a concrete floor that's at least 8" to10" thick. It is quite solid and stable, no bouncing floors here like you might see in a traditional wood-frame structure. The credenza I use (blue thing between the speakers) instead of a component rack is a very sturdy Italian made unit, it is not a rickety Ikea thingy as it might appear in pictures, therefore, as far as any structural vibrations are concerned, my would say it is minimal. However, I started my search for a Hydra-4 conditioner, a few Symposium shelves and a couple of replacement PCs. I’m also thinking of swapping out the Valve-Art KT88 with some ballsy Svetlana KT88. Will keep you posted. Thanks everyone.