Audio Grade Fuse, Anyone?

With all the money that most of us spend on upgrading power cords, is there any left for the fuse that is omnipresent in all the components, that little piece of necessary evil that all current flows through? Is it worth researching into? Care to share your experience?
I should also mention that, I am not sure if the reason that the Infinity Power has not been introduced to the US market has anything to do with meeting the safety standards. As I remember it, the packaging of these fuses does not accompany specifications other than fuse value and length.
I've just returned from a trip to the Far East, where a dealer friend of mine gave me an audition of the latest power house fuses against both the original and latest HFT fuses in a cd transport. The magnitude of improvement given by the platinum plated version was in line with Gonzalo's posting. Distribution appears somewhat elusive however they're well worth checking out if you get the chance
Colesey, perhaps these are the fuses being imported to the US by Lotus Group.