Is Museatex/Meitner in business?

I used to remember seeing advertisement for the beautiful and for what I could tell, great sounding Museatex products from Canada. Whatever happened to them and is it true that you can still get their products through their office in Canada? Any feedbacks on their products would be appreciated, especially about their Amps. How do they compare with other known luminaries such as Pass, Sonic Frontiers Designs
See my description and other peoples' comments under the current thread "Opinions on Meitner MTR101 amps". They are still in business, although they've moved west. Their digital stuff is among the best for the money, and the amps are a bargain, but clearly a more tube-like tonal balance than a lot of today's "high resolution" solid state.
Meitner has left ADS, which owns the Museatex name. He now has his own business called Meitner Audio Labs. ADS still does warranty repair on Museatex gear. So does Ed Meitner. If you need their info, let me know.
Glenro: I've dealt with John Wright in the past--is he with Ed Meitner now? If so, Meitner Audio Labs will be all I need; if not, I'd love both addresses, as I'd like to update my PA-6, I thought John did a fine job updating the phono section on it earlier and I think Mr. Meitner is an audio genius. Thanks.