Anyone heard the new VMPS RM30?

VMPS has introduced the RM30, which is a smaller version of their highly reviewed RM40 --- has anyone heard the RM30? If so, I would appreciate your opinion or any thoughts you'd care to share.

Also, the VMPS company uses a ribbon for the midrange on the QSO 626R, I would appreciate the opinion of anyone that owns this speaker - or speakers from another company -- that use a ribbon midrange vs a cone midrange.

Thank You
The midrange on the VMPS 626 is not a ribbon but a planar. It sounds very good to my ears: fast, transparent, detailed.

The RM30's sound is quite reminiscent of the 626s, with lots of delicacy, transparency, speed, and naturalness. The sweet spot is a bit small, but even outside the sweet spot the speakers sound good. Inside the spot, these speakers are very hard to beat in the price range; I have not yet heard anything comparably priced that I would rate as its equal.
The ribbon/planar midrange drivers as Calanctus states are very fast and detailed. They allow you to hear that last bit of shimmer on the cymbals.The plucks of strings are extremely vivid.A basic cone midrange driver seems to lag a little in comparison. There's a definite loss of information with the basic cone driver IMHO. At 1/10 th the thickness of a human hair a true ribbon driver can do some awesome things. A 50 inch midrange true ribbon verses a 6 inch midrange cone do the math.

Most ribbons(except Apogees) can't do the the lowest octaves like cones but far exceed them in responsiveness IMHO. They are very revealing and some audiophiles can't deal with that.
I heard it at CES, and wasn't that impressed.

I've heard the bigger brothers and like them better.
Haven't heard them yet but if they approach the RM40s, well... they will be very good indeed!
