Anyone heard the new VMPS RM30?

VMPS has introduced the RM30, which is a smaller version of their highly reviewed RM40 --- has anyone heard the RM30? If so, I would appreciate your opinion or any thoughts you'd care to share.

Also, the VMPS company uses a ribbon for the midrange on the QSO 626R, I would appreciate the opinion of anyone that owns this speaker - or speakers from another company -- that use a ribbon midrange vs a cone midrange.

Thank You
I heard it at CES, and wasn't that impressed.

I've heard the bigger brothers and like them better.
Haven't heard them yet but if they approach the RM40s, well... they will be very good indeed!

I have auditioned the VMPS RM30 and the Gallo Reference 3. Both speakers are in the same price category and IMO the VMPS wins hands down due to the following:

1) Crystal clear and detailed midranges. The midrange on the Gallo's was comparable to my current Linn speakers.

2) Better musical resolution over the frequency spectrum. This is probaby due to the fact that the VMPS employs 7 active drivers per a channel while the Gallo only employs four.

3) I found that in order to make the Gallo speakers sound their best they need to be placed onto stands. Third party stands designed specifically for the Gallo speakers are available, but they cost $500 [1/5 of the total speaker cost].

One advantage of the Gallo is a wider sweetspot. The VMPS has a narrow sweetspot (due to the planar drivers), but with proper setup this should not be an issue.

Hope that this information helps.
Actually the small sweet spot with the planars is no longer. The RM 30's now come with Constant Directivity waveguides that give the RM 30's 180 degrees of dispersion from 280hz on up. You can walk around the room and the image will remain the same! There's going to be a couple of reviews coming. Also Constant Directivity feature
had been a big hit at CES.
Warnerwh is absolutely correct. I have not heard the RM30s with the CDWG, but I've read that it does eliminate the sweetspot issue.

Warnerwh have you heard the RM30's with the CDWG? If so I would greatly appreciate your feedback. I am looking to purchase a pair of RM30's in March 2006 and the pair that I heard did not have the CDWG. I've read that the CDWG causes a -6 db/octave rolloff above 10 kHz.

Thank you.