Best Speaker New or Used under $1.5K

Hello all,
I've been reading reviews all day long and never quite found what I'm looking for and now very confused. I recently purchased the Arcam AVR 300 and have Pardigm Ref. Studio 20's and CC with a little pair of Tannoys for the rear (they were free). I use my system 50/50 music and movies. As for music, I'm an old rocker growing up with Hendrix, Clapton, Allman Brothers, etc. now listen to Dave Mathews, Sara Mclauglin,etc...and will always listen to Stevie Ray. I'm looking to upgrade the speakers and would really appreciate your input. Starting with the mains? and maybe the CC? Thanks All.
Hello Denon
Yes you are right, it would sound almost as good, except for the bass. Now to confuse you even more...I would guess that you would rather have some high quality monitors or how about a
Slim floorstander? The JM Labs Cobalt 816 S
can be bright in the wrong room but phenominal in the right room and with some decent equipment. If you have a dealer near you give them a listen. Immediate, dynamic, highly detailed and image very very well.
Denon, IMHO opinion there isn't a small speaker that sounds big-doesn't work. The issue with monitors and subs is integrating the 2 which isn't as easy as most people think. I have owned the Stratus Mini's-great small speaker. If you wanted to go that route it would be at the top of my list. Stratus Gold is great too-however quite large and HEAVY. I have decided to go with floor standers and sub to fill the bottom octaves, works for me. Don't forget, your monitors will require good stands($$) and will still occupy the same footprint. Really, the Z7's are silly good. Next to them the Image series of PSB are great for the $$-lively and full sounding. Good Luck and remember-our hobby is fun.
Green Mountain Audio Europa's at $1K/pair new would be my choice as they are certianly going to be more listenable on your older rock recordings due to the time/phase accuracy of the speakers. Whatever speaker you purchase, listen to them with your old Hendrix records, not just audiophile pressings. Most speakers do audiophile well.....only a handfull do Hendrix well. Good luck.
Songwriter72 and Elsneb,,, will the Europas be ok with a Solid State Receiver? It seems most of the review I've read have them attached to tube amps.