Stands for harbeth superHL5

I would like recommendation for Harbeth SuperHL5 speaker stands. I have just ordered a pair and these are my first stand mounted speakers. How high do I need to go? What is the best way to mount speakers to stands? How much do I need to spend ? Any help and suggestions appreciated.

I have year old C7s and used the recommendation of Alan Shaw from Harbeth. I called Skylan in Canada (you can get to their website by going to A'gon's manuf. section) and found the owner Noel more than helpful. He specializes in Harbeth and will assist in determining height of stand needed for your room and sofa/chair. His stands, in my opinion, are better than Sound Anchor (and about 1/2 the price) because they use a non-metal non-resonant material. They can easily be filled with sand and are very easy to put together. The shipping is less because Sound Anchors come pre-filled with some sort of cement material which makes them quite heavy.

By the way, the Sonus Faber Amati Homage is a better speaker than HL5. But it costs $24,000.00.

Oh yeah, don't get neurotic about speaker height. One inch either way is not going to make any difference whatsoever. Remember, your own height changes throughout the day and you are about an inch shorter at night. You also can change your listening height 1-2 inches simply by being tired, more relaxed, etc.
You might want to check out the somethingSolid stands. Here is a link. I prefer these open frame stands to any of the others I've heard. They recommend 12" stands but I ordered mine in 16". It depends on your seating height.
Is there a sonic advantage to the 4-post Skylan stands
vs. the equivalent Sound Anchors for the SHL5? Thanks in advance.
RGS92, while I can't directly answer your 6-23 post because I haven't actually listened to the speakers on both Skylans and Sound Anchors, I can suggest that if you do some more research on the web, including the Harbeth Users Group comments accessible from the Harbeth Home Page, you may find some information indicating that some Harbeth users have commented that they've heard a "ringing" when they used some metal stands with Harbeths. I think you'll also find that there are Harbeth owners have found both Skylans and Sound Anchors to work well with their speakers, which suggests that it would be hard to go wrong with either one.

If you decide, as I did for my Monitor 30s, to go with Skylan, you'll find Noel, the owner, to be very easy to deal with and very professional when giving advice and making promises about shipping dates.
Thanks Jim! It sounds like you, personally, are satisfied with
the Monitor30/Skylan combo. It is my understanding that the SHL5s benefit from whatever external factors add to bass control, meaning upstream equipment and their stands, so I
was thinking that was the most important factor in choosing stands. By the way, if one is not concerned about image height, what about floor placement, or on a low platform like
and amp stand? (In the real old days, I'd just plop AR3a's
on the rug, zone out and happily listen...).