Lars had a stroke.

I'm sorry to be so blunt with the header but I just found out that Lars of Sjofn HiFi had a stroke recently. He's known as Highendman here on A'gon.

I was ready to order some Supra Ply 3.4s speaker cables and couldn't get through at first. His website is down as well. I believe it was his wife who returned my call and verified what Madison Sound told me while sourcing the cables.

From what I gather he's a great guy to deal with who truly loves what he does. Everything concerning his business is on hold for now as he recovers. I wish him a speedy return to good health so he can continue doing what he loves.

All the best,
Sad to hear, I wish him the best. My system includes, (the clue) speakers and Supra Ply 3.4 speaker cables.
Wow. Getting to be a pretty common story.

I think stroke is THE major health concern for men in our 50s. Recently my doctor said "your blood pressure is 165/90. You need to get it down." He said would you like to have a stroke on your left side, or your right side?

I am 55, I try to eat healthy (mostly), work out 3-4 times per week and run/walk 2-3 times per week).

He said taking a low dose of blood pressure medicine (generic Lisinopril) is better than both watching your diet and exercising. I now do all three.

All the best to Lars.
I wouldn't have the foggiest idea about who Lars is, but I deal with those who have suffered this and I wish Lars a full recovery.
Another reminder that tomorrow and your health are never guaranteed. I'm twenty years in the medical field and it is absolutely frightening how many suffer a stunning early disability and/or demise.

That trip you've been thinking about to the Lake District of Chile........take it now, not 5 years from now.

Lars lives here in the Seattle area. Might check up on him personally. We all wish him a speedy and complete recovery.