3 way vs. 2 way

I currently have Mirage M5si bi polar speakers, I believe these have two tweeters and two 6inch drivers. For my room size I want to go to a conventional speaker. I would also like to give a high end store in my area the business as the owner is a friend. He carries Totem and B&W. I notice may of the Totems have only a tweeter and a driver. Can I get as good sound out of smoething like that as compared to a speaker with 3 or 4 in the cabinet?
let your friend guide you with the differences....those mirage's are awfully good though.....if they were some esoteric ma/pa brand, audiogon would light up singing their praises.

I agree Jaybo...Mirage are great value...I think you need to go significantly up in price to go better with B&W (imported from UKw with a strong pound right now).


Is this in Canada? If it is then Totem's might be better balue.

I just saw your second post on the this thread. Given your room a good two way is your best option, IMHO.

ChadnLiz, you are correct the Zu Druid's 10" driver and whizzer cone may make it an exceptionally loud playing "single driver" speaker - good point! My generalizations often have exceptions (such is the complexity of the real world) and you are very observant/knowledgeable to spot this error. Thx.
It really doesn't make too much difference which you design you pick. Both have their pluses and minuses. It's far more important that you like the way a speaker sounds with your equipment than focusing in on any specific design element. People who say they think one method is better than the other haven't listened to enough speakers to make such a sweeping statement.
I don't think 2-way is better than 3-way, or vice versa. I do think that if you sit six feet from the speakers 3-way won't work - not enough distance for the drivers to focus at the sitting position. Without the proper driver integration, you will loose a balanced, seamless transition across the frequency spectrum. 3-ways certaintly have their place, many, but not in this situation, IMHO.
Thanks all for the further responses. Seems like 2 way is the consensus. I'll let you guys know how it comes out. Zar