Parsifals vs Mahlers - best for what I got?

Friends, a few responders to my querie on high WAF speakers suggested, among many, the Parsifals and Mahlers. They are both handsome and may bring peace - if not calm - to our listening area. As I can audition neither, would appreciate your thoughts. The room is large - appx 25'x25' with a cathedral ceiling reachng to 18'. The room is sunken and opens into the rest of the house. Placement of the speakers would be along the rear wall facing into the rest of the house. I think the spousal "line in the sand" will be about three feet from that wall. No limit on side wall on one side, andd about three feet on the other. I have new power - Halcro MC20 (400wpc) and Atmasphere MP-3. Old power is Pass Aleph 5 (60wpc Class A)and Blue Cirlce BC 21. I bought the Halcro/Atma Spheres for my Newform Research 645 hybrids, but would use the new gear with the new speakers if need be. New front end is Cambridge Audio 840c. Listening preferences - acoustic, ensemble jazz, Grisman, Wasserman, Hancock,etc. Looking for faithful reproduction of tonality with little color - and what everyone wants - large soundstage, presence,etc.
I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has auditioned or even lived with both. Thanks in advance.
the maggies that hang on the wall are pretty darn good, and have 'no' footprint...tyler makes a speaker in every conceivable type of finish known to man, and lots of audio geeks swear by em. also salk sound, which are very cool....the waveform is one of thoese well kept secrets for price/performance
I am an owner of the VA Parisifal Ovations in a 25 x25 room with 9' ceilings...for my long answer to "how" they sound, I reccomend reading my review at I think it maybe in the current posted edition, if not, it was the most recent edition.

I have reviewed various prodcuts from Vienna Acoustics and don't find them comparable to the Ovations. However, I have never herad the Mahlers.

Good Luck, John
The Ovations retail for about 2.5 times the Mahlers with the same finish. For that kind of price differential, it'd be worth taking a trip to a large city where you could hear both. Denver would be such a city with non-stop air service from many cities on Frontier airlines and Southwest.

Soundings is where you should audition Vienna Acoustics in Colorado. I saw one or two dealers on the Verity site. Of course, you may have another big city more convenient, but I think you'll find it rewarding to make a trip.
