Proper Toe-in Configuration

I have a pair of bookshelf speakers and a powered subwoofer in my 2-channel audio system. The audio system was recently moved to my living room which is 12' x 14' with a sloped ceiling. The system is along the 12' back wall.

Currently, the bookshelf speakers are roughly 6.5' apart and 9' from my listening position.

What is the correct configuration for a toe-in setup?

Some claim 2'-3' in-front of the listener. Others claim 1'-2' behind the listener. While some claim pointing straight at the listener.

What have you found works best in your toe-in setup?

Also, what tool / instrument (if any) have you used to configure your toe-in setup? I was thinking a pair of laser pointers.
I tried the method in the link posted by Team212 about a month ago and it works very well. In some ways it is very similar to the Audiophysic set-up method. I learned a lot about bass response using this method. Bass has never sounded smoother in my system as a result.

The method described is essentially the "Sumiko Method" taught to dealers of Sonus Faber and Vienna Acoustics" speakers. I have helped a dealer set up several systems using this method.

This method emphasizes getting the bass response right. What is amazing about this method is that even very tiny movements (1/2 inch makes a difference) into and out of bass nodes has a noticeable impact, and everyone listening will hear the same subjective change no matter where they are located in the room. I've heard, and agreed with others on the benefit of a movement on bass response while standing next to the other speaker (the one not moving). Toe-in is one of the last items that is addressed using this method.
you assume all speakers should be toed in or be placed parallel to the wall behind it.

i prefer speakers toed out.